Anti-Semitism on the rise

Written by Super User 24 Jan 2015
Anti-Semitism on the rise

Middle East expert Pinchas Inbari writes that he has met with several senior European officials who said they see the Israeli-Palestine issue as the most pressing matter for Europe. The logic goes like this: The problem upsets Muslims and Arabs and drives recruitment to Islamic State, which is a direct threat to Europe; so they intend to force Israel to submit to Palestinian demands, believing a Palestinian state would somehow solve the Islamic State problem. Hate crimes strike fear into Jewish communities. In just one week last year eight synagogues were attacked in France and Kosher businesses are regularly smashed and looted as crowds chant ‘Death to Jews’. In Germany recently molotov cocktails were lobbed into the Bergische synagogue and Imam Abu Bilal Ismail called on Allah to ‘destroy the Zionist Jews'. A Dutch' anti-Semitism watchdog had 70+ calls from alarmed Jewish citizens in just one week last year.  Organisations recording anti-Semitic incidents say the trend is inexorable. See also: 

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