‘INSIGHT ARTICLE’ EU: Preparing for 'new stage' in economic union

Written by Super User 07 Jun 2012

European leaders will discuss plans for deeper economic integration in the euro zone at their next meeting on 28-29 June, after an inconclusive summit on 23 May saw open divergences between France and Germany over ways to kick-start the EU's sluggish economy. See http://www.euractiv.com/euro-finance/eu-prepares-new-stage-economic-u-news-512943 European Council President Herman Van Rompuy will present a report exploring ways to deepen economic integration in the euro zone. Van Rompuy announced that ‘we need to take Economic Monetary Union to a new stage.’ and ‘I will report in June, in close co-operation with the Commission President, the Presidents of the Euro-group and the European Central Bank, on the main building blocks and on a working method to achieve this objective. For INSIGHTS into understanding and help you to pray into the European Financial System click the ‘More’ button.

Pray: for God to inspire the delegates as they prepare for the next meeting. (Ps.49:20)

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