Germany: Parents jailed over sex education row

Written by Super User 05 Apr 2011

A Christian father spent another day in a German prison Saturday, March 26, after refusing to pay a fine for not allowing his children to attend government-run ‘sexual education’ classes, his lawyers said. Eduard Wiens is now serving a 40-day sentence that will end April 23. Eduard Wiens is one of several Christian parents being prosecuted by German authorities over the controversial sex-classes, adding that it asked the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to quickly review appeals filed last year on their behalf. Eduard and Rita Wiens, chose to keep their children from attending obligatory ‘sexual education’ in the town of Salzkotten that they believed taught students ‘an unbiblical view of sexuality.’ They were subsequently fined and sentenced to prison after they refused to pay. Eduard Wiens served five days last year and is now serving a 40-day sentence.

Pray: for these Christian parents who are standing up for their conscience and rights. (Mt.10:22)


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