European parliament with anti-European parties

Written by David Fletcher 09 May 2019
European parliament with anti-European parties

After the Second World War many said, ‘Never again’. For decades extreme nationalism was considered a threat. In 2019 it has re-emerged with European far-right parties forming a new alliance led by US strategist Steve Bannon, wanting to ‘promote’ right-wing populist groups in Europe. Matteo Salvini, Italy’s leader of the extremist League party, has joined ‘The Movement’ and has gathered right-wing Netherlands Party for Freedom, Germany’s AfD, Danish People's Party, the Finns Party and other extremist populist parties to form a new alliance, injecting their rhetoric into the EU; selling themselves as ‘maintaining or protecting their heritage and their people (they warn that refugees, Muslims, empowered women, and the EU bring unwanted change, which is a bad thing). A YouGov survey for voting intentions shows that the European parliament will be significantly different after 25 May with 35% of seats taken by socialists, Greens, the European People’s Party, and other anti-European parties. See

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