The Bulgarian people-group is formed from the ancestral mixing of the Bulgar and Slavic peoples, but the country is also home to Macedonian, Millet, Turkic, and Roma people, with Greek, Slavic, Ottoman and Persian influences. It…
Sometimes we don’t understand what God is doing until, with hindsight, we recognise God’s plan and the beginning of understanding how to respond to His will. Our duty is to look after orphans and widows in…
Christian politicians will gather next week (2-3 June) in the Ukraine, seeking to form closer links that will protect Christian values in Central and Eastern Europe. Their forum is for ‘cooperation of Christian politicians and civil…
The World Health Organisation (WHO) said the Zika virus could spread to Europe this summer, although the likelihood of an outbreak is low to moderate. Areas most at risk are those where Aedes mosquitoes spread the…
French and Egyptian authorities have been reacting to the disappearance of EgyptAir flight MS804 with 66 people on board. The French foreign minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said in Paris, ‘Obviously, we can only imagine the anguish of…
Open Doors workers in the country claim that believers, many of them Muslim converts, are sometimes a tiny minority and so are easy targets for insults, being punched, spat at and sexually assaulted. After surveying 231…