Hungary's prime minister Viktor Orbán has called Christianity the ‘last hope’ for Europe, as the continent struggles to integrate millions of Muslim migrants who have fled their countries of origin. Orbán also accuses some Western European…
At midnight on 21 February Serbian Dalibor Jaukovic, formerly of the Yugoslav People's Army, threw a grenade into the US embassy compound and then blew himself up. According to Facebook publications he was against Montenegro's accession…
Recently a bill was approved that makes it illegal to accuse Poland of complicity in crimes committed by Nazi Germany, including the Holocaust. The bill bans the use of terms like ‘Polish death camps’ in relation…
Viktor Orbán’s government has outlined plans for a new law giving it powers to ban any NGOs that ‘sponsor, organise or support a third-country national’s entry into or stay in Hungary via a safe third country…
The 2018 annual Munich Security Report cited growing pressure on nuclear disarmament treaties and ongoing security concerns in eastern and central Europe as a cause for concern, and most worryingly the erosion of arms control agreements.…
Far-right Polish groups are using links to religion to gain mainstream influence. A terrified onlooker saw hooligans chanting overtly racist and fascist slogans, calling for ‘White Poland’, and shouting ‘Beat the red scum’. He saw priests…