is happy to announce the culmination of a year’s research with the release of theire report on missions and church planting in Europe. Over 600 people in 35 countries have responded to a questionnaire, making… is happy to announce the culmination of a year’s research with the release of theire report on missions and church planting in Europe. Over 600 people in 35 countries have responded to a questionnaire, making…
Religious communities in various parts of Belarus have faced visits, threats and warnings for holding meetings of worship which officials regard as illegal. On one Sunday in January, officials visited three Pentecostal services in separate villages.…
Religious communities in various parts of Belarus have faced visits, threats and warnings for holding meetings of worship which officials regard as illegal. On one Sunday in January, officials visited three Pentecostal services in separate villages.…
Murat and Amina were in urgent need of assistance when they arrived at an aid warehouse run by Operation Mobilisation (OM) in Bosnia. Amina’s husband was desperately sick and they had no means or money to…
Murat and Amina were in urgent need of assistance when they arrived at an aid warehouse run by Operation Mobilisation (OM) in Bosnia. Amina’s husband was desperately sick and they had no means or money to…