A group of at least 14,900 French mayors has said it will not perform ‘gay marriages,’ even if the government moves ahead with plans to legalize the practice, reports Catholic News Agency. The administration of French…
A major highlight for the Year of Faith will be a two-day celebration in Rome on the Church’s teaching about the dignity of life and how it fits with the New Evangelization, reports Catholic News Agency.…
A major highlight for the Year of Faith will be a two-day celebration in Rome on the Church’s teaching about the dignity of life and how it fits with the New Evangelization, reports Catholic News Agency.…
The economic crisis is leading to a rise in the number of people being trafficked for sex, hard labour or organ donation, the EU commission said Monday (15 April,) but the vast majority of member states…
The economic crisis is leading to a rise in the number of people being trafficked for sex, hard labour or organ donation, the EU commission said Monday (15 April,) but the vast majority of member states…
Bulgaria held three days of special prayers against suicide and nationwide pessimism after at least seven people set themselves on fire while protesting against poverty and corruption. The prayers were requested by the country's president Rosen…