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Thursday, 20 September 2012 14:02

In a walled churchyard in the old city of Damascus, a small group of Syrians debate whether the time has come to flee one of Christianity's ancient heartlands. Members of a Christian community which stretches back almost 2,000 years, they worry that Syria's civil war can have no happy outcome and they face an upheaval that fellow believers have already suffered elsewhere in the Middle East. ‘The future is full of fear,’ said one man who gave only his first name, Rami. ‘We hope our fate will not be that of the Christians of Iraq, but nothing is guaranteed. Now we meet in church rather than cafes because we're afraid of being bombed.’ As evening shadows lengthened after a Sunday service, the young men and women found temporary sanctuary in the churchyard from the civil war which has already displaced many of them.

Pray: for our Christian brothers and sisters as they face the problems of civil war. (Ps.140:1-2)

More: http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/09/12/pope-lebanon-syria-idINL5E8KAKT120120912


Wednesday, 11 May 2011 14:34

Persecuted Egyptian Maher El-Gohary and his daughter Dina fled to Syria but fearing Islamic opposition to converts in Syria fled to France. Last year in Syria pressure forced believers to leave homes and six Christian meeting places were closed, partly due to the government’s fear of violent Islamic extremists, resistance to increasing conversions to Christianity. An Open Doors worker explained, ‘Under President Assad, Christians have a relatively stable situation where they can operate, a change of government may mean a less favourable situation for Christians. Fear of a worsening situation prevents churches joining protests against the president; trying to take advantage of the liberty that still exists in the country. The problems in Syria did not start as a religious conflict, but it is changing into one; fanatic Muslim groups want to make it religious.’

Pray: for Syrian converts from Islam to be protected, and for an open door for the Gospel in Syria and the whole region at this time. (Rev.3:6)

More: http://www.compassdirect.org/english/country/egypt/article_111398.html


Friday, 27 July 2012 16:53

Aleppo has seen fierce clashes between rebels and Syrian government forces, is Syria's largest city and is the country's industrial and financial centre. It has the largest population of Christians in the country, and along with a mix of other religious and ethnic communities, the city's demographics largely mirror those of the country as a whole. Alappo has been slow to enter the violence, and while activists say opposition has existed for some time inside the city, its relationship with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) is less clear. See: Open Doors reports, ‘In a church in Aleppo, children are singing and laughter fills the halls. Christians are providing a summer retreat from the trauma. Despite all the challenges they are trying to organize a daily Christian retreat for the six-week summer camp; having their meals together, playing and learning crafts, pray and simply having a good time together.’

Pray: for God’s power and authority to protect all facing fear of violence and uncertainty. (Ps.68:1)

More: http://www.opendoorsusa.org/pray/prayer-updates/2012/%297-July/syrian-children-enjoying-a-summer-respite

Friday, 01 June 2012 08:41

There have been Christians in Syria since Biblical times and until recently the country has housed a Christian population of 2.3 million. Hundreds of thousands of Christian refugees fleeing anti-Christian violence in Iraq have also settled there. Until last year Syria was the one of the easiest places in the Arab world to be a believer. The churches could practise their faith without much interference and were respected by the Muslim majority and the government. Since 2010 Christians in Syria have been suffering grievously during the uprising against President Bashar Assad. *60,000 Christians displaced by violence in Homs. *Christian homes invaded and ransacked. *Evangelical school and care home for the elderly occupiedand shelled. *Kidnappings and gruesome murders. *Bombs in the Christian areas of Damascus and Aleppo. *Tens of thousands in urgent need of food and other basics. See:

Pray: against sectarian conflict and for improved security for all Syrians. May the Christian communities survive this season. (Hos.14:3)

More: http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2012/May/Massacre-Pushes-Syria-Closer-to-Civil-War/

Thursday, 25 July 2013 15:49

Epic refugee crisis, brutal Christian persecution and international involvement has brought Syria into turmoil. The war has killed 100,000, displaced over 1.5 million and 6,000 are fleeing daily. The UN has not seen a refugee outflow escalate at such a frightening rate since the Rwandan genocide 20 years ago. Syrian rebels frequently target Christian believers for attack. Religious freedom activist, Nina Shea, reported a shadow war being fought against the Syrian Church. The ‘going price’ for a kidnapped Christian believer is $200,000 USD. The war is spreading beyond Syria. The Pakistani Taliban sent 120 fighters, with another 150 men arriving shortly. Lebanon's Hezbollah also sent forces to aid the rebels. Israel's military is preparing for war along its border with Syria. Two people died in Turkey from stray bullets and Turkey returned cross border fire - marking the most significant outflow of violence to date. See also http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23332527

Pray: for God’s protecting presence to envelop innocent victims against every force of darkness (2 Sam.22:3-4) and wisdom for world leaders striving to broker peace between the regime and the rebels (Prov.2:6)

More: http://win1040.com/post.php?id=1693&cat=Reporter

Monday, 29 April 2013 16:30

A Christian living in Syria writes, ‘The situation here in Aleppo is getting progressively worse. Yesterday, as all churches decided to have a united prayer day, the rebels sent three rockets - mortars. These exploded just a couple of hours before the gathering a few metres from the main gate of the church. No injuries; just a few damages here and there with some affected cars. But with all this, just to let you know that in spite all the rockets and explosions, more than 300 members and worshipers attended the prayer service meeting on that Friday. PTL. ‘

Pray: for that the Lord’s protection to be over those still trying to serve His purposes in Syria. May He be in control of everyday situations and may they know his presence continually. (Ps.109:21)

Friday, 11 January 2013 12:45

We have been in a village, surrounded by the enemy army (The Free Syrian Army) for many days. We have been without food for these days, and our women have been raped by enemy soldiers. We have had one bright spot - for some reason, the enemy cannot hit us with bullets. When we have fled, being shot at, we are always amazed at the way the bullets have flown past us without hitting any of us. We credit this to the protection from above!' They were looking at fleeing again, possibly returning to a refugee camp, when the leader had a dream. In the dream the Lord told him, 'All the fighting is for you, not against you. This is to your advantage, don't flee.' He believes that the Lord is directing them to stay to gather in a very large harvest. They already have a very large harvest, so what they could gather would be even more amazing!

Pray: for courage, faith, protection and resilience in the face of increasingly dire conditions of a war within a war. (Ps.5:11)

More: http://cryoutnow.org/


Friday, 06 December 2013 12:24

The Vatican has reported that 12 nuns were abducted as opposition rebels captured Syria's historically Christian town of Maaloula on Monday. The majority of the town's Christian population is thought to have fled during clashes between government forces and rebels in September, leaving a mainly Muslim population behind. The 40 nuns of the Orthodox Mar Takla convent had been the major exception, until 12 were abducted on Monday. They were reportedly taken to the nearby rebel-held town of Yabroud. Febronia Nabhan, Mother Superior at the Saidnaya Convent told the Associated Press today that the nuns who left were accompanied by three other women. Nabhan said that the Maaloula convent's Mother Superior, Pelagia Sayaf, called her later on Monday and said they were all ‘fine and safe’. Maaloula, 60 kilometres (40 miles) northeast of the capital, Damascus, is a symbol of Syria's ancient Christian roots, where Aramaic – the language spoken by Jesus – is still spoken.

Pray: for the safe return of those abducted. (Is.42:7)


More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/12.nuns.abducted.as.rebels.recapture.maaloula/34910.htm



Thursday, 13 June 2013 19:35

The United Nations is asking the United States and Europe to take in thousands of Syrian refugees. Since the beginning of Syria's civil war, more than 1.5 million Syrians have fled the country seeking refuge. UN officials think that number could reach 3.5 million by the end of the year. According to agency spokesman Adrian Edwards, the UN is seeking to relocate 10,000 refugees. On Tuesday Edwards told the Associated Press that ‘resettlement is only one of the tools we use and tends to apply to a very small number of highly vulnerable individuals of any refugee population.’ German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said Germany has already agreed to take in half. Edwards says the United States and Germany usually offer the most help.

Pray: for all the administration and application associated with this initiative for the dispossessed vulnerable. (Job22:29)

More: http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2013/June/UN-Seeks-Host-Countries-for-Syrian-Refugees/


Friday, 16 March 2012 08:27

In November Prayer Alert reported ‘The use of landmines in 2011 has been the highest for seven years in the Middle East’, so it is not surprising that Human Rights Watch has documented multiple accounts from witnesses in Turkey, Lebanon and inside Syria who have either seen Syrian troops laying or being hurt by mines near the borders as thousands of refugees try to escape the conflict. It is unclear how many people have been injured by the munitions because most casualties avoid state hospitals when they are wounded. In some of the latest unverifiable footage to emerge, a sniper appears to hit a man trying to drag another to safety.

Pray: for the United Nations' monitors to gather truthful testimony and for it be used constructively to end Syrian bloodshed. (Is.25:5)

More: http://www.euronews.com/2012/03/13/syria-accused-of-planting-landmines-near-borders/