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Displaying items by tag: special envoy

Thursday, 17 January 2019 21:24

Freedom of religion outside the EU

In 2016, the EU parliament called for a permanent special envoy for freedom of religion and belief (FoRB), after the genocide of Christians, Yazidis and religious minorities by IS. One was appointed but his mandate was temporary; he was deprived of financial and human resources, and not fully integrated into the EU foreign strategy and policy. Consequently, the situation for minorities has deteriorated. 200 million Christians suffered brutal forms of persecution in 2018. 350 million Christians experienced discrimination. A proposal about this was put to the European parliament on 15 January; it was adopted, but further details are not yet known. It is hoped that a mandate will be fully integrated into EU foreign policies, with adequate financial and human resources to give real protection of FoRB.

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