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Displaying items by tag: pro life

Thursday, 05 August 2021 22:05

Another assisted dying campaign

David Peace has motor neurone disease, a terminal illness which gradually affects the brain and nerves. He says he intends to travel to a Swiss clinic to end his life before his condition prevents him from making the journey. David, who lives in central London, is one of several people behind renewed calls to update England and Wales assisted dying laws to allow terminally ill people with six months to live the right to end their life. The second reading in the House of Lords of the assisted dying bill will be this autumn. The first reading paved the way for a debate on prospective legislation – the first since 2014 when Lord Falconer tabled a bill. 2021’s Dignity in Dying’s chair is Baroness Meacher, and her bill would legalise assisted dying as a choice for terminally ill, mentally competent adults in their final six months of life. See also

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 03 December 2020 20:44

Government consultation - DIY abortions

Christian Concern write, ‘The Government has announced a consultation to decide whether to extend its temporary decision to allow DIY abortions. Brandished as “women's healthcare”, abortions that take place entirely at home are dangerous, providing no opportunity to safeguard women against coercive partners or go through proper safety checks - ultrasound scans and blood tests. Tragically, we know that many illegal and dangerous abortions have taken place since the government introduced the policy in March 2020. We need to do everything we can to protect women and babies by stopping this policy from becoming permanent. A number of pro-life groups are participating in “Care for Women”, a parliamentary briefing for MPs to advise them on all of the research showing that this policy is dangerous and offers no care for women. Please ask your MP to attend the briefing on Thursday 10 December at 2pm, via Zoom.’ Find your MP:

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 09 January 2020 23:49

‘We celebrated Down’s syndrome diagnosis’

When Rachael Prescott was expecting twins she was advised six times to abort them after they were diagnosed with Down’s syndrome. She was inundated with condolences and health scaremongering because they also had heart conditions. Doctors were more concerned that the children might have Down’s syndrome than with their cardiac situation. They were pressurised for genetic testing and abortion. The Prescotts refused the tests and Charlotte and Annette had Down’s syndrome, but only Charlotte had a heart defect. Rachael said, ‘We hope in the future to direct expectant parents away from false preconceptions and towards what we have found to fill us with so much joy. We celebrate our twins.’ See also world article on abortion deaths.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 09 January 2020 19:38

Worldwide: abortion largest cause of death

Over 42 million abortions took place globally in 2019, according to the tracking service Worldometers. Once again abortion was the single largest cause of death across the planet, causing significantly more than half the total of all deaths worldwide. More than 190,000 worldwide abortions were recorded in the first two days of 2020. The true totals may be either lower or higher, however, as they rely on health and mortality statistics from the World Health Organisation (WHO), which in turn uses estimates from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute. Worldometers found similar numbers last year, leading left-wing outlets such as Snopes to attempt to minimise the news, not by disputing the numbers but by arguing that abortion should not be considered a ‘cause of death.’ Scientifically speaking, however, it is a settled biological fact that the embryos and foetuses destroyed by abortion are living human beings.

Published in Worldwide