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Displaying items by tag: prison work

Thursday, 23 July 2020 21:55

UK: Wheels for the World

Wheels for the World restore and distribute refurbished wheelchairs to disabled people in developing countries, giving them independence and demonstrating the love of God. They send old wheelchairs to a workshop in one of their partner prisons for refurbishment. Prisoners find satisfaction in this work which helps restore their self-worth and dignity. Wheelchairs come back from the prison fully restored and are loaded into containers for shipping abroad. While in prison Chris was trained to repair wheelchairs and gained useful skills to help him find a career when released. One of the wheelchairs Chris refurbished to ‘good as new’ was shipped to Miriam in Uganda. She had paralysis in her legs and no physiotherapy or rehabilitation services available to her. She spent most of her time in bed and isolated. Now she can help her mother sell produce on their market stall, and can independently go out and make friends.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 08 February 2019 00:46

Church minister wins award for prison work

Rev Bob Akroyd has won the Butler Trust Award for his pastoral care work at Edinburgh prison. He was praised for the 'exceptional support' he provided 'to both prisoners and staff' and 'his outstanding pastoral care, helping families and colleagues through grief as well as in celebrations of life'. Joanne Smith, an officer at the prison, said, 'Bob makes you feel safe and encapsulated by his love and devotion to God, delivering support and guidance that I have never known anywhere or with anyone else before. He unlocks potential and transforms lives. He helps individuals to shoulder their burdens, and empowers them to move forward to a more positive future, where they can successfully tackle life and its problems head on, becoming the best and strongest version of themselves - a version which they might not have even known, or dared hope, existed, before Bob’s unwavering hand was offered in support.'

Published in Praise Reports