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Displaying items by tag: president Bouteflika

Thursday, 11 April 2019 21:58

Algeria: door open for Al-Qaeda to grab power

With President Abdelaziz Bouteflika quitting, Al Qaeda terrorists could now fill the political vacuum. Bouteflika held office for 20 years, then the military told him to go following continuing street protests. In March, leading Al-Qaeda official Abu Ubaydah Yusuf al-Anabi urged Muslims to unite to ensure Algeria is ruled by sharia law. Al-Anabi, designated a ‘terrorist’ by the US state department, called on citizens to reject any regional or tribal identities and unite as ‘sons of Islam’ to create an Islamic emirate. The speaker of the upper house of parliament has become the country’s 90-day caretaker president until elections are held. But one protest leader said that the street demonstrations will continue because ‘we do not accept the caretaker government’. Young Algerians are demanding jobs in a country where one in every four under the age of 30 is unemployed, in an economy dependent on oil and gas exports.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 15 March 2019 10:46

Algeria: answered prayer

Last week you prayed for the aged President Bouteflika to withdraw from standing in the next election, and for God to raise new leaders for the nation. On 12 March the state news agency reported that the president was withdrawing, and would not stand as a candidate in the next election. He has named the interior minister as the new prime minister, and plans to create a new government with a special body to draft a new constitution to respond to the protests. May God continue to bless Algeria with His purposes.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 07 March 2019 21:58

Algeria: taking down a picture frame

82-year-old President Bouteflika has not spoken in public in years. At public ceremonies or meetings his handlers place a framed picture of him on an easel. The government has announced that Bouteflika, who suffered a debilitating stroke in 2013, will seek a fifth term of office. Protests erupted, and continue. 70% of Algeria's population is under 30. Millions are fed up with a state-run economy that is flagging. Despite demonstrations, Mr. Bouteflika’s circle still plan to wheel him out for April’s elections. Meanwhile influential legislators from the opposition resigned from parliament to support the grassroots demands for change. The stakes are high. Europe counts the country as a major energy exporter, a counter-terrorism ally, and a partner in controlling migration flows from Africa. A young population with high expectations no longer accepts an authoritarian system. Repercussions could spread far beyond Algeria. See

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