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Displaying items by tag: prayer for Buddhists

Thursday, 27 June 2019 21:37

Praying for Buddhists

The idea of Buddhism (and Hinduism) as a ‘religion’ is partly an invention of early Western missionaries. Later the concept was taken up by Buddhists themselves. Buddhist ideas are woven into a wide tapestry of belief, ritual, filial piety and morality that often involve the occult, other gods, and ancestors. Few practising Buddhists have turned to Christ, except in Cambodia, China, Laos, Mongolia, South Korea, and Vietnam, which have growing churches or substantial Christian populations. Yet churches are being planted among Buddhists, and there are recurring reports of monks studying the New Testament and meeting Christ. Pray for the remaining Buddhist peoples of the world to encounter Christ, who is ‘desired by all nations’ (Haggai 2:7). Buddhist mindfulness, types of meditation, and statues are being adopted around the world. Pray for fresh Christian approaches to reach those seeking the peace that only Christ can give. See

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