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Displaying items by tag: praise and thanksgiving

Thursday, 07 May 2020 23:00

Intercessor Focus: lockdown praise and thanks

Psalm 136 says, ‘Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures for ever.’ During lockdown thousands are encountering God through prayer and praise with online networking. ‘Germany together in prayer’ brought a million Christian churches, ministries and groups plus prominent political leaders together to pray online.In the same week ‘World Prayer Together’ united millions of worshippers across the nations. Meanwhile, Holy Trinity Brompton reports a record number of Alpha sign-ups and there is an increased openness to the gospel as more people seek spiritual truths on search engines. Praise God for declining rates of infection and the solidarity of communities practising limited communal contact. And for many the ‘imposed’ furlough is resulting in families having more time together and the rest resulting from cancelled non-essential travel.

Published in Praise Reports