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Displaying items by tag: pay and pensions

Thursday, 25 November 2021 21:22

University staff to strike in December

Staff at 58 universities will strike between 1 and 3 December over two issues: pension cuts, and pay and working conditions. They are demanding a £2,500 pay increase to end ‘pay injustice’. More action is likely if demands are not met, causing further disruption for students in the run-up to Christmas. Staff pay has fallen by 20% after twelve years of below-inflation pay offers; one third of academic staff are on insecure contracts; the gender pay gap is 15%, and the most recent statistics reveal that of 22,810 UK professors, under a third were women and only 1% were Black. Staff are also experiencing a crisis of work-related stress with over half showing probable signs of depression. As well as the three-day walkout, staff at 64 other universities will take action short of striking by strictly working to contract and refusing any additional duties. This will go on indefinitely.

Published in British Isles