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Displaying items by tag: nuclear power plant

Ukraine is expected to attempt to retake Moscow-held Zaporizhzhia territory. The Russian-installed governor of the partly-occupied province ordered 18 settlements near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant to evacuate. The UN's nuclear watchdog is concerned about the facility’s safety. Russian passport-holders were taken to cities on the coast of the Sea of Azov. The International Atomic Energy Agency expressed deepening concern after Russia fired 30+ shells at a Ukrainian-held town near the plant. The nuclear reactors are shut down, but staff and their families remain. Ask God to comfort them in this stressful situation. Meanwhile Ukraine released a video of white fire from phosphorus munitions in the besieged city of Bakhmut, accusing Russia of using incendiary weapons. International law prohibits using any incendiary weapons, and if chemical weapons are used it is a war crime. 

Published in Europe
Thursday, 01 September 2022 21:26

Ukraine: UN team inspect Zaporizhzhia

On 1 September, shelling near Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant complex forced a visit by UN experts to be delayed. Earlier, Energoatom said Russian shelling forced the shutdown of one of only two operating reactors, while Moscow said it had thwarted a Ukrainian attempt to seize the plant. There are regular incidents at or near Zaporizhzhya. The plant was recently disconnected from Ukraine's power grid and back-up generators kicked in to supply power after fires damaged overhead power lines, cutting the plant off for the first time in its history. The director of IAEA, Rafael Grossi, said the team had made good progress on the first day of their inspection and would be staying on. Residents near the site were given iodine tablets recently in case of a radiation leak.

Published in Europe

NATO is the latest international organisation calling for UN inspectors to be allowed into Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, saying its seizure posed a serious threat to Ukraine and neighbouring countries. For two weeks there has been heavy shelling on and around the plant, with both sides blaming each other. Officials say Zaporizhzhia could be cut off from power. Moscow is redirecting electricity to Crimea. Ukraine says the situation is ‘approaching critical’. Unable to force the Russians from Europe's biggest nuclear power plant, Ukraine is preparing for the worst. At a supermarket car park emergency workers wearing yellow hazmat suits are practising cleaning drills in the event of radioactive contamination. The car park is also where Ukrainians fleeing Russian-occupied territories first arrive. There are queues of cars with people and full suitcases.

Published in Europe
Friday, 12 August 2022 10:37

Russia: 'blackmailing the world'

Ukraine's nuclear agency Enerhoatom says the Russians are ‘blackmailing the entire world’ with threats to blow up the Zaporizhzhia power plant. In a post on messaging app Telegram, Enerhoatom says Maj Gen Valery Vasiliev - the head of Russia's radiation, chemical and biological defence forces - has said, ‘There will be either Russian land or a scorched desert. We have mined all the important facilities of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.’ UN secretary general António Guterres has called for international inspectors to be given access to the power plant, after Ukraine and Russia accused each other of shelling the site on 7 August. One of Putin's closest allies, former president Medvedev, has been telling the media that Russia will achieve its aims in the conflict in Ukraine on its own terms. He warns the West has a long-term plan to destroy Russia.

Published in Europe