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Displaying items by tag: love your enemies

Friday, 08 July 2022 06:36

Choosing to love the murderers

Ananthram opened the door and faced a Naxalite mob who grabbed him, tied his hands behind his back and dragged him away. His seven-year-old son tried to follow but the mob threatened to kill him. He ran to his uncle for help and they searched for Ananthram through the night. The next morning, they discovered Ananthram’s body on the side of the road, his skull fractured with a large rock and a note warning others against following Christ. Sukbati, his wife, was afraid they would kill the whole family after being threatened since his murder. When asked why she does not return to Hinduism to make her life easier she said that it’s difficult to care for five children alone but Jesus will care for them. They are the only Christians in their village and boldly share the gospel whenever they can. They occasionally see Ananthram’s killers but Sukbati holds no animosity towards them. She prays that they will come to know Christ.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 25 October 2019 09:43

World: pray for terrorists

‘Father, thank You for creating everyone in Your image, including those who have become terrorists. May godly people of peace meet and influence radicals so that lives are transformed and hatred turned to peace. May the Holy Spirit prepare hearts of individual extremists, bombers, kidnappers and assassins to come to know Christ. Father, please keep us from stereotyping terrorists. Remind us that Jesus loves and died for them too, and help us to understand the roots of terrorism and what causes people to walk that path (policies, corruption, greed, pride, etc). Grant wisdom and protection to those under attack, giving nations insight and military intelligence concerning aggression against them. Father, we ask You to thwart all Satan’s plans with communication breakdowns, weapon malfunction, and leaked plans. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and God’s children worldwide. Remove long-standing hatred between Jews and Muslims, and grant peace and blessing to both. We pray in the precious name of Jesus.’

Published in Worldwide