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Displaying items by tag: hidden impact

Friday, 02 July 2021 10:08

Disabled people forgotten during Covid

Over 3,300 people took part in BBC research into the impact of the pandemic on the lives of disabled people. Most said their disability had worsened and over 2,400 said routine, often vital, medical appointments had been cancelled. Disability charity Scope said the findings confirmed that disabled people's needs ‘had been forgotten’. There were young autistic people who had attempted suicide because they could no longer cope with drastic changes; others were isolated and alone, their support networks gone or hours of care cut. A family told how care had been almost stopped for their disabled daughter, while her father, who had had Covid, was offered a range of treatments. Her cochlear implant needs retuning regularly but has not been checked for two years. Her physiotherapy has not continued, and her walking frame no longer fits. Her last eye test was over the phone.

Published in British Isles