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Displaying items by tag: detained Americans

Friday, 12 May 2017 10:25

North Korea: danger zone

US citizen Kim Hak-Song, working at Pyongyang University of Science and Technology, has been detained on suspicion of hostile acts against the Pyongyang regime. He is the fourth US citizen currently detained in North Korea: Kim Sang Duk has been arrested on the same charge, Otto Warmbier is serving fifteen years of hard labour for removing a political sign, and Kim Dong Chul ten years on espionage charges. Meanwhile North Korea slammed Donald Trump’s decision to dispatch a naval fleet to the Korean peninsula, vowing to reduce the White House to ashes. Also, Iran has attempted to launch a cruise missile from a ‘midget’ submarine based on a North Korean design - the same type that sank a South Korean warship in 2010.  The current situation mirrors the disorder prior to the last Korean War. See also

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