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Displaying items by tag: clean energy

Thursday, 18 November 2021 21:13

COP26: life changes

It is predicted new electric vehicles could cost the same as petrol or diesel cars within five years, causing a growing second-hand market where these vehicles are cheaper. Dozens of regions and car companies have agreed to ramp up the production of electric vehicles and bring in new zero-emission buses and trucks. Others argue we need fewer cars; we should walk and cycle more. Clean energy is the most reliable and affordable option for powering our homes and businesses. For the UK, this will mean continuing the move towards renewable sources of wind and solar energy - and possibly more reliance on nuclear energy. Another change is greener homes with solar panels and heat pumps becoming standard in our homes. We will build houses using low-carbon alternatives to cement and concrete. We may install ‘cool roofs’ that reflect sunlight and prevent overheating or introduce shutters so that homes can withstand hurricane winds.

Published in British Isles