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Displaying items by tag: citizens' assembly

Friday, 27 April 2018 00:45

A response to violent knife crimes

The Guardian’s headline on 26 April was ‘Highest number of knife crimes registered since comparable records started in 2010’. This week St Mary’s Church, Primrose Hill hosted a citizens’ assembly for institutions across Camden and Islington to hear from those on the front line against crime and to plan their response to knife, gang and racist violence across London. Local leaders, MPs, councillors and police discussed views which in turn launched a ‘safety commission’ to look more closely into the causes of knife and gang violence. They will work in partnership with politicians and other services. Rt Revd Rob Wickham, Bishop of Edmonton, said the citizens’ assembly was timely, given that fatal stabbings have claimed 35 lives across the city so far this year. He encouraged people to support the event, saying, ‘This issue affects everyone, so everyone needs to respond.’ Listen to his comments on Premier Radio at

Published in British Isles