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Displaying items by tag: children's safety

Friday, 27 April 2018 00:55

Social media action

Recently we prayed for our children to develop discernment to navigate a disturbing social media landscape. On 22 April health secretary Jeremy Hunt threatened social media firms with new laws if they didn't do more to protect children online. He gave them until 30 April to outline action on cutting underage use, preventing cyber-bullying, and promoting healthy screen time. He said, ‘I am concerned that your companies seem content with a situation where thousands of users breach your own terms and conditions on the minimum user age. I fear that you are collectively turning a blind eye to a whole generation of children exposed prematurely to the harmful emotional side-effects of social media. This is morally wrong and deeply unfair to parents faced with the invidious choice of allowing children to use platforms they are too young to access or excluding them from social interaction that the majority of their peers are often engaging in.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 27 April 2018 00:51

Sexual abuse in institutions

Institutions like the Church are putting their reputations ahead of victims of child sexual abuse, said an interim report from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse on 25 April. They examined 21 British institutions, including the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church. Religious institutions were the third largest group of abusers, after schools and children's homes. When it came to the effect on victims' faith, the report said, ‘Victims and survivors may question their religion and spiritual beliefs, particularly where the perpetrator was connected to their religion or faith. They may also use religion and faith as a coping mechanism for resilience and recovery.’ The CofE's deputy safeguarding bishop welcomed the report and said, ‘As a Church we will be studying the report and the panel's recommendations carefully, particularly those which suggest specific changes to help us as an institution to give children better protection from sexual abuse.’

Published in British Isles