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Displaying items by tag: bear attacks

Thursday, 21 December 2023 20:24

Japan: notable increase in attacks by bears

In Japan, a huge surge in bear attacks has been linked to climate change. Already in 2023 there have been 212 attacks, compared to 158 in 2022; six people have died. Rising temperatures and diminishing food sources in the bears' natural habitats have pushed them into human-populated areas. Experts say this alarming trend highlights the profound impact of climate change on wildlife behaviour and ecosystems. According to local authorities, the number of bear-related incidents, including attacks and sightings, has reached an unprecedented high. Climate change has disrupted their hibernation patterns and reduced their natural food supply, forcing them to search for sustenance in unfamiliar territories. The environment minister has pledged to help affected communities, saying: ‘We are considering providing emergency assistance to local communities in response to their needs, such as surveying and capturing bears living in the vicinity of human settlements’.

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