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Displaying items by tag: a mile with jesus

Wednesday, 03 May 2017 10:40

A Mile with Jesus

Launched on the 25th March 2017, we are aiming to see at least one church per day encourage their congregation walk 'A Mile with Jesus' over the next two years. We are trying to see one church in every postcode area of the UK take part. To date we have had 30 churches from across the UK take part.

The vision came to our Neighbourhood Prayer Network, prayer co-ordinator at the end of a 2 week period of fasting in October 2015. As she was praying she said to God, ' I will go a mile with you.'

She felt the Holy Spirit respond saying, as many as will go a mile with Him, He will go with them.

People have had profound encounters with God as they have walked a mile, or for those unable to do a physical mile, sat at home with a map.

When I personally did several miles with Jesus, I felt God asking me to pray for people I would not normally pray for (silently) and He also told me to look around at all the people that I saw and He told me that He didn't want just some of these people 'saved' but for every last person I could see, to come into relationship with Him. He reminded me of the scripture, 'the Harvest is plentiful, the workers are few, pray for Lord to send more workers into the field.'

My heart attitude to people I might normally walk by without much thought was changed as God reminded me of the love he has for all people without exception. This experience has had a lasting impact on me as I now pray for my heart to be open to loving people more.

'A Mile with Jesus' is also intended to prepare the ground for the HOPE 2018 year of mission where denominational leaders have pledged to aim to see church growth of 10% next year.

Our partners for this are HOPE, World Prayer Centre, Pray for Scotland, National Weekend of Prayer, National Day of Prayer and Worship and 24-7 prayer. Our partnerships are expanding.

One of the things we hope to see is people who would not normally take part in prayer walks joining in. We have written a prayer guide with these people in mind.

Some church leaders have commented that this is something fairly easy to encourage people to do.

To take part

1. Choose a date for your church and sign up at www.neighbourhoodprayer.net/amilewithJesus
2. Decide if you are just going to encourage people to walk a mile on this date as they go to work etc, or if you want to do it as a church altogether...
3. If you want prayer pointers, order our resource 'A Mile with Jesus' from www.resourcesforchurch.com
4. Consider asking other churches to join and get any feedback from people's prayer times that might reveal something God is saying specifically to Your church.

We are keen for churches to sign up in July and August as this part of the calendar is hard to fill with holidays.

If your Church would like to get involved, Click Here to Sign Up.

We've produced a great 36 page, full colour, Prayer Guide to complement A Mile with Jesus,and it's available in single copies, Digital Download or as a Church Pack of 15 with Free P&P.

Originally designed for those with little or no experience of prayer walking, seasoned prayer-walkers have also said how much they have enjoyed using it!

Published in WPC News
Thursday, 23 March 2017 09:16

A Mile with Jesus

Neighbourhood Prayer Network are looking for Churches who will commit to a Prayer Walk. The trial last year resulted in over 1,000 miles of the UK being Prayer Walked.

Called 'A Mile with Jesus' - On 25th March 2017, Neighbourhood Prayer Network launches a continuous 2 year baton of prayer, walking across the U.K. in support of the HOPE 2018 year of mission. We hope this will add to the wave of prayer taking place across the UK as we pray for God to transform our Nations.

Partners of 'A Mile with Jesus' include HOPE, World Prayer Centre, Pray for Scotland, Prayer Storm, National Day of Prayer and Worship, National Weekend of Prayer and 24-7 Prayer. Please see endorsement from these ministries here.

The vision for this initiative came after Rachael Fola-Taiwo, (NPN's prayer co-ordinator), was fasting and praying for 14 days in October 2015. She said to God, ‘I will go a Mile with You and she felt the Holy Spirit answer “not just you, but as many that will go a mile with Him.”

People who have already taken part have had profound encounters with God as they have prayer walked, prayed on trains, in cars, or at home for those unable to walk so far.

The aim is to have at least one Church congregation in all 3114 postcode areas of the UK, prayer walk their local streets over the next two years. Imagine the whole of the UK being Prayer walked....

The campaign begins in London and Manchester on 25th March, and this will begin a chain of continuous Prayer Walking, with one or more Churches taking responsibility for each day. (Details below).

Could your church take part in your area?


We urgently need to fill these dates with a church. There are dates over the next two years also available.

29th March
31st March
8th April
9th April
11th April

If your Church would like to get involved, Click Here to Sign Up.

We've produced a great 36 page, full colour, Prayer Guide to complement A Mile with Jesus,and it's available in single copies, Digital Download or as a Church Pack of 15 with Free P&P.

Originally designed for those with little or no experience of prayer walking, seasoned prayer-walkers have also said how much they have enjoyed using it!

The Mile with Jesus prayer guide is one publication in three sections.

Part 1) The Prayer Guide will have an A-Z of things you may come across while you are prayer walking, with three prayer points for each place. For example a Post office, a park, a betting shop, a school.

Part 2) There are inspirational scriptures that you might want to use while walking.

Part 3) Is for those who wish to use the opportunity as an outreach either as a church or a home group.

36 Pages in full colour, this neat prayer guide will enable you, your prayer group or Church to pray transformational prayers in and around your community. It is our hope that through this initiative, Crime, will fall, abuse will subside and God will visit the area you live in.

Published in WPC News
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