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Displaying items by tag: Zoom invitation

Thursday, 06 April 2023 22:20

Coronation and Commonwealth prayer watch

For King Charles III’s coronation, the World Prayer Centre in Birmingham is inviting Christians from Commonwealth nations and territories to join its Coronation and Commonwealth zoom Prayer Watch on Friday 5 May, from 10am to 12 noon GMT+1, to unite, worship, pray for the coronation and bless the Commonwealth to fulfil God’s purposes. If you would like to join online via Zoom video conferencing, you will need to set up an account and download the app to your device or computer. Download here: Log into Zoom when the meeting is due to start, using these details. Topic: WPC PRAYER WATCH Join Zoom Meeting at Meeting ID: 819 5187 5317 Passcode: jesuslives. You will be admitted to a waiting room until WPC permits access. Enter with your microphone on mute. Please share this with others across the UK and Commonwealth.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 06 April 2023 21:56

Japan: G7 summit prayer watch

The annual G7 summit, in Japan, is from 19 to 21 May. The World Prayer Centre is calling people globally to join them on Zoom on 20 May at 10 am GMT +1, to pray for the summit and all the G7 leaders, together with the president of the European Council and the president of the European Commission. If you would like to join the event online via Zoom video conferencing. You will need to set up an account and download the app to your device Log in when the meeting is due to start, using these details. Topic: WPC PRAYER WATCH Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 819 5187 5317 Passcode: jesuslives You will then be admitted to a waiting room until WPC permits access. Once admitted, please put your mic on mute. WPC look forward to seeing you!

Published in Worldwide