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Displaying items by tag: West Africa

Thursday, 10 February 2022 20:55

Africa: more military takeovers

Africa has experienced more coups than any other continent. Military coups were a regular occurrence in Africa in the decades that followed independence, and there is concern they are starting to become more frequent again. 2022 has already seen two - a takeover by the army in Burkina Faso and a failed coup attempt in Guinea Bissau. US researchers identified over 200 attempts in Africa since the 1950s; half lasted more than seven days. Burkina Faso has had eight takeovers and one failed coup. Pray for a healthy balance of power between the executive, legislative, military, and judicial realms in these troubled nations, and for the many nations experiencing the aftermath of colonial control and without a history of ‘government of the people by the people’. May God give wisdom to the presidents and leaders of African nations as they try to maintain peace and order.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 06 October 2017 08:42

Guinea: religious freedom and other challenges

Every October, Window International Network intensifies prayer for the 10/40 Window, and profiles a different country each day. On 6 October the focus is on the peaceful country of Guinea where people live on less than $1 a day, despite the country’s wealthy resources. At least half a million Guineans protested against government corruption last year, denouncing supposed economic mismanagement by their president. Ethnic tensions increased, with the country divided along equal-sized tribal lines. Hundreds of thousands of refugees from Liberia and Sierra Leone have added to the strain. Low incomes and a poor economy create a challenge for those seeking help from a poorly-equipped health care system. Christians are not persecuted in this mainly Muslim country, but believers are starting to lose the religious freedom they once had, especially in major cities. Also, pray for a Godly transformation of the media and entertainment industries, which are highly influential but lack wholesome messages.

Published in Worldwide