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Displaying items by tag: Swiss climate seniors

Swiss women, known as ‘climate seniors’, who won a historic ruling on climate change from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), feel shocked and betrayed by their own parliament's decision not to comply. The women argued that Switzerland's inadequate response to climate change has harmed their health and life. The ECHR agreed, ordering Switzerland to intensify its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Despite the ruling being binding, the parliament voted to reject it, claiming the country already has an effective climate strategy. The parliamentary debate was emotional, with right-wing politicians criticising ‘foreign judges’ and Green Party members calling the discussion ‘shameful’. Switzerland, although sensitive to global warming, is not on track to meet its Paris Climate Agreement goals. Public opinion is divided; many Swiss object to the ECHR involvement, believing current measures are sufficient. The final decision on compliance rests with the government, which may present its existing measures to the ECHR in hopes of satisfying the court.

Published in Europe