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Displaying items by tag: Russia’s Threats

Friday, 22 July 2022 05:50

Maintaining Christian support for Israel

Former American UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley, said in a media interview that she was concerned about a slight drop in support for Israel among American Christians, especially young Christians. She said, 'We have to remind everyone why Israel matters, why America-Israeli alliance is so strong' and why it needs to continue being strong.’ She mentioned the Abraham Accords, a US-negotiated normalisation deal between Israel and a number of Arab countries, as an example of how it could be done. Haley stressed the 2020 agreement was reached primarily ‘because Arab countries need Israel,’ listing intelligence, innovation, and security as areas of possible cooperation with Israel. Haley also commented on Joe Biden’s meeting with the Saudi Crown Prince during his recent Middle East trip saying the Gulf state is an important ally against a common threat from Iran’s thuggery and terrorism. She said America must be ‘tough with Iran and support Israel's stance.’

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