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Displaying items by tag: National Children's Prayer network

Some of us from the IPC spent several delightful days last week with others from the international children and youth prayer movements making plans for the future development of those movements during meetings in and near Jakarta, Indonesia. Praise God for all the good things happening in our day as He, working through the efforts of perceptive, supportive adults, raises up the Next Generation of men and women of God through engaging them in a life-long encounter through prayer. Here are some brief highlights from the meetings last week for rejoicing and our further intercession:

  • India- we heard how hundreds of thousands of children and youth are being helped and trained to pray in that vast land with its enormous diversity of peoples and that a national Children in Prayer consultation is being planned for later this year.
  • Indonesia- the National Children’s Prayer Network now has 67 networks and will host a national CiP conference this May, bringing together up to 200 children’s prayer coordinators from across this expansive island nation.
  • Myanmar has many thousands of children praying and has seen amazing political and economic transformation as the kids pray for their nation.
  • China- 500 gathered from 24 provinces to raise up a CiP effort throughout their land. A city-wide Hong Kong training event is in the offing to evaluate and strengthen CiP.
  • 4-14 Window Movement- this effort has developed a good infrastructure of regional coordinators and wants to help ministry leaders see that children are on a mission for God in order to nurture them in their unique callings to serve Him.
  • We were challenged by the call of the Lord in Psalm 2:8 to ask Him for the nations and the uttermost parts of the earth as our possession in the Body of Christ and that the way to see this happen is through Psalm 8:2 –it is through the prayers of babes and children that the enemy of Christ’s global mission will be silenced and stopped.
  • We envisioned the “New Wave of Glory” (Habakkuk 2:14) from the World Prayer Assembly of 2012 that involved so many youth and children becoming “new waves” plural and unending, flowing out to impact the nations through the Next Generation. “Empowering children in a lifestyle of prayer and service to transform our world” is a new vision statement we propose for the international CiP movement. We also suggested other more detailed directions for the future that will be reported on soon.
  • We reflected on scripture passages such as Isaiah 11:6-9 which envisions a new world where children will help lead. They will be bold, unafraid and will take His authority to become agents of His transformation.
  • We prayed and dreamed together for a CiP and youth prayer movement in every nation on earth in the next 10 years. We estimate about one third of the 220 nations have such networks and movements by now. Please help us in this huge enterprise by prayer and by connecting us with other CiP efforts and leaders we are not yet aware of.

    (For more information about getting involved in CiP or if you already are involved in a CiP ministry or can connect us with others who are, please contact Jeffrey Chew This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Onassis Jeevaraj This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..)
  • In the youth prayer movement meetings that followed, we heard about how the UPRISING event held in South Korea was such a deep blessing to the youth leaders that participated and how other nations now want to have similar gatherings in the future (Mongolia, Brazil, Germany, South Africa). Also, most significantly, the decision was made to hold a World Youth Prayer Assembly in Indonesia next year in July (17-20). It is anticipated that several thousand youth and also children from across the world will take part.

    The goal is not another event but igniting a world transformational movement organized and led by the youth, now that half the world’s population is under 30 years of age. As we were in prayer, one saw a flask of oil representing the Holy Spirit that would be poured out on the participants. Another saw a volcanic explosion with rivers of fire flowing out to the nations as Jesus baptized the youth with the Holy Spirit and fire (Matthew 3:11). We believe that the WYPA will be a highly supernatural experience that will equip many from the Next Generation to do exploits for the Lord, finding and fulfilling their unique callings and destinies and raising up many new leaders for the Body of Christ in all walks of life.

    (For more information about the World Youth Prayer Assembly or youth prayer movement, please contact the UPRISING/WYPA administrator, Sarah Torres This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..)

Please pray for the unity and clarity of the Spirit for the international CiP team as it seeks to build a more coordinated effort that will connect the various strands for a worldwide CiP network of national movements and that we could see CiP be planted and practiced in every nation on earth in the next 10 years.

Pray for the youth leaders in Indonesia and the International Dream Team of the UPRISING as they seek to work together to organize the World Youth Prayer Assembly to be held in Jakarta, July 17-20, 2018) that they will have His guidance, unity and protection and that all the resources needed will flow in a timely manner. 

Pray also for the Indonesian national election happening February 15 that the first Christian governor of Jakarta will be vindicated amidst the current attacks by radical Muslims on his candidacy and will win another term of service. This will be important not only for the WYPA but especially for the blessing and welfare of Indonesia and His people there.