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Displaying items by tag: Leadership Voting

Friday, 07 June 2019 05:52

The roots of good leadership

Theresa May’s announcement of resignation as leader of the Conservative Party on 7 June led to many candidates setting out their stalls to succeed her. In mid-June there will be successive rounds of voting with the losing candidate being removed after each ballot until only two remain. The final two will then be voted on by the entire Conservative Party membership. The cautious and sometimes ambiguous relationship Christians should have with power and authority is most apparent in Jesus’ words, ‘Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.’ There is a God-ordained place for earthly rulers, but their authority comes under God’s ultimate rule. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 ; we are to pray for them. We don’t know who will win the Conservative leadership election, but we could consider:- Who are they leading? What is their vision for society? What is their vision based on? Do they have the character for leadership and how have they demonstrated this?

Published in British Isles