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Displaying items by tag: LGBT

Thursday, 28 April 2022 23:55

Catholic school closed over LGBT book talk

Contrary to the Archdiocese of Southwark's recommendation, John Fisher Catholic School governors voted not to cancel a talk by Simon Green, a writer of gay teen fiction. Two governors subsequently resigned, and the archdiocese sacked the rest. National Education Union members started industrial action on 28 April, with 40 people demonstrating outside the school. Their president said taking industrial action was an ‘absolute last resort’. Ofsted said the talk was due to take place on World Book Day and was offered as a ‘planned part of the curriculum’. Simon Hughes, for the archdiocese, had recommended the school leaders cancel the book-signing event. He said, ‘From time to time materials or events emerge for consideration that fall outside the scope of what is permissible in a Catholic school. In such circumstances, we have no alternative but to affirm our unequivocal and well-known theological and moral precepts and to act in accordance with them.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 November 2021 21:30

Stonewall aides ‘influencing government’

Nikki da Costa, Boris Johnson's former director of legislative affairs, said senior advisors are letting Stonewall dictate the Government's trans rights policy. She believes the advice being given to the PM is undermining women's rights. She said there is no other organisation - no business, or charity, no matter how big - that can pick up the phone to a special adviser sitting outside Boris Johnson's office and get them to speak directly to the prime minister. 'But that is the kind of access that Stonewall has.'’ Ms da Costa alleged that a group of aides controlled the views that Johnson was presented with in government papers and stopping him from meeting people with differing views on trans issues.’ Carrie Johnson said Boris was an ally to LGBT people at a pro-Stonewall event in October.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 October 2021 08:24

America: new bisexual Superman cartoon character

On ‘National Coming Out Day’, America’s LGBT awareness day, DC Comics announced that their latest Superman, Clark Kent’s son Jon, will be bisexual. In previous issues Jon was friendly with Jay Nakamura - a bespectacled, pink-haired reporter. In the next issue their relationship will become romantic. The storyline follows Jon as he takes on the mantle of Superman from his father. He fights wildfires caused by climate change, scuppers a high school shooting, and protests against deporting refugees. DC Comics said the pair become romantically involved after Jon ‘mentally and physically burns out from trying to save everyone that he can’. Even though this issue has not yet been released, DC Comics say that reaction to the storyline has been ‘overwhelmingly positive’. They hope people who see this Superman will say, 'He is like me, he fights for things that concern me’.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 12 August 2021 21:56

Free to question LGBT?

Rev Dr Bernard Randall lost his job for disagreeing with LGBT ideology. As Trent College’s chaplain, his job was to ‘be the particular voice and embodiment of Christian values which are at the heart of Trent’s ethos’. Educate and Celebrate, a pro-LGBT 'inclusion' charity, was invited to train school staff. Bernard researched the group and feared the worst but kept an open mind and went to the training. It was as bad as he feared. In line with his school role as 'the voice of Christian values', Bernard raised concerns to management. He was ignored. When a pupil asked him to address the issue in chapel he agreed to preach and encouraged students to respect others' views while ‘not being obliged to accept someone else's ideology’. And the ‘Christian’ school suspended him for gross misconduct. The Christian Legal Centre is supporting Bernard. His tribunal, due in June, was postponed because the school's lawyers didn’t comply with court orders.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 08 April 2021 21:27

Jesus House felt judged

Sir Keir Starmer apologised for the ‘hurt’ caused by his visit to Jesus House of All Nations after the church was criticised for holding traditional biblical views on homosexuality. He praised the church for opening its premises as a vaccination centre, then later tweeted it was a ‘mistake’ to visit the church, and that he was ‘not aware’ of their views on gay rights. The church was criticised for being anti-LGBT and supporting conversion therapy, but it does not engage in conversion therapy. Pastor Agu, the church pastor, said they provide appropriate pastoral support, including prayer, to all their members, whatever life situations they find themselves in: ‘This is consistent with the fundamentals of freedom of speech and freedom of religion and the government's current position. Over the past 48 hours, in the courtroom of social media, we have felt prosecuted, judged, and sentenced unfairly.’ He said he is very concerned for the thousands of churches and millions of Christians who hold a traditional biblical understanding of marriage and sexuality.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:33

Children excluded for opposing LGBT lessons

Ten-year-old Kasey, a Pentecostal Christian, is speaking out against the growing LGBT agenda in her classroom. As parents nationally protest against LGBT school lessons, the Christian Legal Centre is supporting courageous Kasey and her mother, who are taking a stand against a school seeking to eradicate any opposition to its LGBT agenda. Kasey and her Catholic friend, Farrell, were explaining in the lesson how gay people would be 'punished' for their sexuality in some countries, but their point was misunderstood and the school suspended them for five days for being homophobic. Kasey said, 'I only learned what homophobic means the other day. I'm not homophobic, I'm just against the school traching LGBT topics to children.' Kasey's mother said, 'The school is failing to recognise our Christian beliefs and is persecuting us for wanting to maintain our Bible principles.' The Christian Legal Centre said the situation reflects the sexual agenda imposed on innocent children.

Published in British Isles

RSE (relationships and sex education) is a contentious issue. Several schools in Birmingham recently suspended the teaching of an LGBT+ inclusive programme, No Outsiders, after protests from parents. Stephen Fry and others wrote to the education secretary saying that political, religious and cultural sensitivities should not be allowed to thwart mandatory age-appropriate RSE from the first year of primary education. The signatories say that lessons should be LGBT+ inclusive and ‘inform older pupils about sexual pleasure for LGBT and how to achieve it for themselves and a partner’. They call for statutory enforcement of even more explicit teaching about sex; for further normalisation and promotion of homosexual behaviours and that same-sex, homosexual, and bisexual relations must be presented as equally valid, with no faith school opt out, or parental right of withdrawal. They said, ‘Our goal is to ensure that pupils leave school emotionally and sexually literate and able to enjoy fulfilling, caring and enduring relationships.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 March 2019 10:00

More Birmingham schools stop LGBT classes

Last week we prayed for sex education to be the responsibility of parents not schools. This week four more schools in Birmingham have stopped teaching about LGBT rights following complaints. The No Outsiders programme in Birmingham will now be suspended until an agreement with parents is reached. The debate began when Parkfield Community School suspended the lessons following parents’ protests. Campaigner Amir Ahmed said some Muslims felt ‘victimised’, but an LGBT group leader said No Outsiders helped pupils understand it is OK to be different. Leigh Trust said it was halting the lessons until after Ramadan, which finishes in June. Also, seven primary schools in Manchester, which have been contacted by parents unhappy over sex and relationships lessons that teach children about LGBT rights, have asked school management to discuss the inclusion of the lessons in the curriculum.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 March 2019 10:38

Birmingham demonstrations

The ASCL, the second-largest head teachers’ union, has 18,500+ members, most of whom are in favour of relationship and sex education (RSE). Education secretary Damian Hinds will speak at their annual conference in Birmingham (15 to 16 March). In February he published new guidelines which state that parents will have no right to take their children out of RSE lessons. LGBT activist Andrew Moffat has been developing gay programmes while working as a teacher in Birmingham schools. Most recently he has piloted a programme called ‘No Outsiders’ at Parkfield School. Parents are currently protesting at Parkfield and calling for Moffat to go (see). Ofsted chief inspector Amanda Spielman will also address the conference. She has condemned the parental protests and called for ‘sane, rational discussion’. Concerned Christians will be demonstrating outside the venue on both days, and ask for our prayers.

Published in British Isles

In June we prayed for the Christian film Voices of the Silenced to influence today's culture - see  But on the eve of its premiere Vue Cinemas refused to screen it. Dr Mike Davidson, who produced the documentary, sued Vue for breaching the terms of their contract. On 15 August the cinema chain, which operates almost ninety venues across the UK and Ireland, settled in full the legal claim brought by the makers of Voices of the Silenced. Dr Davidson said that he hopes that in the future cinema operators will not fold under pressure from LGBT activists wishing to silence those who want to move away from same-sex attraction and behaviour. Shot in eight countries, the film presents reflections from doctors and theologians, as well as the testimonies of people who have abandoned homosexual relations.

Published in Praise Reports
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