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Displaying items by tag: Kids Company

Thursday, 04 January 2024 21:26

Kids Company founder Camila Batmanghelidjh dies

Camila Batmanghelidjh, the founder of Kids Company and a prominent social justice campaigner, passed away at 61. Known for her significant contributions to supporting deprived and vulnerable inner-city children, she started Kids Company in 1996 in South London, reaching up to 36,000 young people. Although she stepped down in 2015 amid allegations of mismanagement, she was later cleared of any wrongdoing by the High Court. Batmanghelidjh, who had been ill for some time, passed away peacefully in her sleep on 1 January, her birthday. She was remembered for her unwavering dedication to Britain's most vulnerable children, spending her last Christmas wrapping presents for them. Born in Iran and arriving in England at 12, she overcame significant personal challenges and achieved a first-class degree from the University of Warwick. She was recognised for her vibrant personality and influence, rubbing shoulders with politicians and celebrities like David Cameron and Coldplay, and her impact on social welfare and child support remains significant. Steve Chalke, Baptist minister and founder of Oasis Charitable Trust, said he would ever be grateful to Ms Batmanghelidjh, 'for her wisdom and depth of love for children'.

Published in British Isles