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Displaying items by tag: God's faithfulness

The Archbishop of Canterbury, in his presidential address at General Synod, illuminated the enduring message of faith and resilience amidst global turmoil. He highlighted the pivotal role of faith in navigating through adversity, drawing from the Psalms' portrayal of adversity. Reflecting on global turmoil, from the war in Ukraine to the forgotten conflicts in Myanmar and Sudan, he called for compassionate action. He emphasised the importance of prayerful lament and protest, encouraging believers to find solace in God. Urging his listeners not to fear, and reminding them of God’s faithfulness, he said: ‘God is greater than our fears, our enemies, and our failures. When that is our comfort and peace, then in this world, at this time, off its hinges, we can in all our troubles be truly the church we should be - truly God's Church in God's world.’

Published in British Isles