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Displaying items by tag: God works

Thursday, 07 January 2021 21:06

God works

Build up your faith by reading how God works in other people’s lives, regardless of the pandemic. On 4 January Matthew said, ‘After years of praying, God has come through and helped me relocate and provided for me financially in an incredible way as I navigate life’. Akish said, ‘It is only by His grace that we are able to say thus far we have come. In a year where uncertainty dominated our lives, it is a blessing to be alive today. Thank you, God, for everything. We remain hopeful that 2021 will carry blessings for our family; we trust that all will be well. Amen.’ Elle wrote, ‘Thank you God for Your healing powers, protection, breakthrough, and deliverance. Thank You for the Holy Spirit and abundance of financial blessings.’ Judy said, ‘We are so grateful that the chemo is lowering the cancer cells for my husband. While he still has cancer, there is improvement.’

Published in Praise Reports