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Displaying items by tag: Go 2020

Thursday, 05 December 2019 23:06

Global: GO 2020 outreach

Christians will soon celebrate Christmas, BUT hundreds of millions of people have not yet heard of Christ. The great revivals and mission advances throughout church history followed the pattern of prayer preceding evangelism. Now, tens of thousands of churches with hundreds of mission organisations and prayer movements are joining forces for an epic prayer and mission initiative, unlike anything the world has known, called GO 2020. The goal is to reach one billion unreached people with Christ’s Good News. By May 2020, GO 2020 aims to have mobilised 100 million Christians to pray that unreached people groups, at home and abroad, will come to know the Lord, as mission agencies preach and teach. No one organisation can accomplish such a feat, but many can flow together like tributaries into one unstoppable river. To get involved, go to

Published in Worldwide
Monday, 01 July 2019 16:49

IPC Calendar

School of Prayer for the Nations - 9 Jun - 6 July 2019


United Prayer Rising Europe – 8-11 July 2019


North East Asia Prayer Conference – 22 July 2019


Chinese Homecoming Gathering: Hong Kong – 24-27 July 2019


March for Jesus: Munich – 28 July 2019

Highway 19 Prayer Summit: Tbilisi Georgia – 16-19 August 2019

South East Asia Prayer Council Conference – 8-11 October 2019


Go 2020 Prayer Gatherings - 1stMay 2020


One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020


Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:32

Go 2020 Prayer Update

GO 2020 is a global vision to activate the whole Body of Christ – millions of individual believers, churches and large global ministries - to pray and share the Gospel all over the world in a joint effort of evangelism during the month of May 2020.


“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Mt 9:37

The Great Commission is not an “optional assignment” for the Church. Yet 93% of church members never share the Gospel with others. GO 2020 aims to turn those numbers upside down … to pursue the following:


To activate and train every Christian believer, everywhere to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through a unique partnership effort involving many different denominations and parachurch organizations, this massive moment is meant to train and inspire every believer to live a lifestyle of evangelism.


Mobilize 100 million Christians to share the Gospel during May 2020.
Reach 1 billion people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
1 million new churches, faith communities and small groups.
Disciple 20 million new believers and integrate them into existing and new churches.


Through a strategic partnership network built over nearly a decade, GO 2020:

Encourages ordinary believers to share the Gospel through personal conversation and to demonstrate God’s love through prayer, caring, and sharing in numerous different ways.
Equips Churches with training and materials in evangelism, discipleship and church planting (see Resources).
Promotes Kingdom partnership as churches, denominations and ministries from many different backgrounds work together to reach the world (see Partner).
Invites every church to be part of a church planting initiative during the year 2020. Every church is planting a church – together we can establish 1 million new faith communities.

Makes the Gospel visible through thousands of “Jesus Celebrations”, GO 2020 Events, March for Jesus and more.

GO 2020 is a special edition of Global Outreach Day, which has been taking place every last Saturday of May since 2012. On this day, every year, believers worldwide have stepped out together in faith to share the Good News.

25 million believers have already participated in Global Outreach Day. To see what God has done, view Global Outreach Day testimonies.

Prayer Concerns for Go 2020

  1. Pray that as the call to GO-2020 goes out, every believer wakes up to fully seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, realizing the time is short. (Rom. 13:11-14; Luke 19:13; Psalm 90:12)
  2. Pray that every follower of Jesus is BEING a disciple who fully follows Jesus in loving God, loving others and making disciples that make disciples. (Acts 1:8; Matt. 22:37; Prov. 11:30; Matt. 28:18-20)Pray that believers see the hearts of those the Holy Spirit has prepared to hear and that they share in a way that can be understood and responded to. (John 4:36; John 6:44; 2 Tim. 4:2)
  3. Pray for every people group with little gospel witness to be adopted for prayer and outreach then engaged with a Kingdom multiplication strategy, so that there will be no place left without gospel witness in every tongue, tribe and nation. Currently ¼ to 1/3 of the world has little to no gospel witness (Unreached people groups) and 401 people groups over 500,000 in population have less than .1% Christians among them (these represent 88% of the remaining task. (Matt. 9:37-38; 2 Cor. 10:16; 2 Peter 3:9; Rev. 7:9)
  4. Pray for access to the entire Word of God in every language since at present only 7% of the world’s languages have a full Bible and only 1 in 5 Bible Translation Projects focus on translating the Old Testament. (Matt. 9:37-38; Heb. 4:12; Rom. 10:17-21)
  5. Pray for the Body of Christ to recognize our call to see His Kingdom coming and His will being done (not building our own kingdoms) and that we work together in the unity of the Spirit keeping the bond of peace for His glory among the nations. (Matt. 6:10; Eph. 4:3; Matt. 12:22-26)

More: https://www.go2020.world/

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Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:17

23 Pray for Go 2020!

GO 2020 is a global vision to activate the whole Body of Christ – millions of individual believers, churches and large global ministries - to pray and share the Gospel all over the world in a joint effort of evangelism during the month of May 2020.


“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Mt 9:37

The Great Commission is not an “optional assignment” for the Church. Yet 93% of church members never share the Gospel with others. GO 2020 aims to turn those numbers upside down … to pursue the following:


To activate and train every Christian believer, everywhere to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through a unique partnership effort involving many different denominations and parachurch organizations, this massive moment is meant to train and inspire every believer to live a lifestyle of evangelism.


Mobilize 100 million Christians to share the Gospel during May 2020.
Reach 1 billion people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
1 million new churches, faith communities and small groups.
Disciple 20 million new believers and integrate them into existing and new churches.


Through a strategic partnership network built over nearly a decade, GO 2020:

Encourages ordinary believers to share the Gospel through personal conversation and to demonstrate God’s love through prayer, caring, and sharing in numerous different ways.
Equips Churches with training and materials in evangelism, discipleship and church planting (see Resources).
Promotes Kingdom partnership as churches, denominations and ministries from many different backgrounds work together to reach the world (see Partner).
Invites every church to be part of a church planting initiative during the year 2020. Every church is planting a church – together we can establish 1 million new faith communities.
Makes the Gospel visible through thousands of “Jesus Celebrations”, GO 2020 Events, March for Jesus and more.

GO 2020 is a special edition of Global Outreach Day, which has been taking place every last Saturday of May since 2012. On this day, every year, believers worldwide have stepped out together in faith to share the Good News.

25 million believers have already participated in Global Outreach Day. To see what God has done, view Global Outreach Day testimonies.

«Every believer is a witness and a disciple maker – Every church is planting new churches»

More at:https://www.go2020.world/explained

Prayer Points Suggested for GO-2020:

  1. Pray that as the call to GO-2020 goes out, every believer wakes up to fully seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, realizing the time is short. (Rom. 13:11-14; Luke 19:13; Psalm 90:12)
  2. Pray that every follower of Jesus is BEING a disciple who fully follows Jesus in loving God, loving others and making disciples that make disciples. (Acts 1:8; Matt. 22:37; Prov. 11:30; Matt. 28:18-20)
  3. Pray that believers see the hearts of those the Holy Spirit has prepared to hear and that they share in a way that can be understood and responded to. (John 4:36; John 6:44; 2 Tim. 4:2)
  4. Pray for every people group with little gospel witness to be adopted for prayer and outreach then engaged with a Kingdom multiplication strategy, so that there will be no place left without gospel witness in every tongue, tribe and nation. Currently ¼ to 1/3 of the world has little to no gospel witness (Unreached people groups) and 401 people groups over 500,000 in population have less than .1% Christians among them (these represent 88% of the remaining task. (Matt. 9:37-38; 2 Cor. 10:16; 2 Peter 3:9; Rev. 7:9) 
  5. Pray for access to the entire Word of God in every language since at present only 7% of the world’s languages have a full Bible and only 1 in 5 Bible Translation Projects focus on translating the Old Testament. (Matt. 9:37-38; Heb. 4:12; Rom. 10:17-21)
  6. Pray for the Body of Christ to recognize our call to see His Kingdom coming and His will being done (not building our own kingdoms) and that we work together in the unity of the Spirit keeping the bond of peace for His glory among the nations. (Matt. 6:10; Eph. 4:3; Matt. 12:22-26)
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