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Displaying items by tag: Foreign Office

Friday, 08 April 2022 04:16

Briton accused of spying

David Smith, a former employee of the British embassy in Berlin, was arrested for having allegedly offered names of British officials to Russian spies. He was extradited to the UK on 4th April after losing a battle to stay in Germany and appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court the following day. The state court of Brandenburg said that it had accepted an extradition request by the Government for Mr Smith, who has been in German custody on suspicion of spying for Russia. Mr Smith was arrested at his home in Potsdam, 21 miles west of Berlin, last summer after a joint investigation by German and British security services found that he had been selling information to Russia since at least Nov 2020.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 27 January 2022 20:37

UK removes embassy staff, warns of Russian plot

The Foreign Office is withdrawing some embassy staff and dependents from Ukraine in response to the Russian threat, stating, ‘The British embassy in Kyiv remains open and will continue to carry out essential work’. Meanwhile, supported by Ukraine’s ambassador to the UK, it is accusing Russia of plotting to install Yevhen Murayev, a pro-Moscow figure, to lead Ukraine's government. Other Ukrainian politicians who maintain links with Russian intelligence were named, some allegedly working on an invasion plan. These include Mykola Azarov, who was prime minister under pro-Russian President Yanukovych; Volodymyr Sivkovych, former deputy head of national security and under US sanctions for working with Russian intelligence; and two pro-Russians who were previously Ukraine’s deputy prime ministers. The foreign secretary said, ‘The information being released shines a light on the extent of Russian activity designed to subvert Ukraine, and is an insight into Kremlin thinking.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 August 2021 21:59

UK's embassy hired a Kremlin spy

David Smith, a security guard at the British Embassy in Berlin, is accused and charged with passing classified documents to a Russian spy. Smith received a bundle of cash in return for providing reports to a Kremlin agent of counter-terrorism tactics in the event of an attack, details invaluable to enemy agents seeking embassy weaknesses in a city where Russian espionage is rife. Smith may have been blackmailed by Putin agents due to his 'extreme right-wing views'. Germany’s domestic intelligence service said Russian espionage is as active as it was during the Cold War. Questions will be raised about vetting procedures at the British embassy in Berlin, which is seen by Moscow as a prime intelligence target. Smith was hired directly by the embassy - not the Foreign Office in London. This spying case is part of growing attempts by Russian spies to infiltrate Western intelligence operations in recent months.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 19 April 2019 16:13

A joint plea for persecuted Christians

Anglican and Catholic leaders have made a joint submission to the Foreign Office’s independent review, requesting support for persecuted Christians. In a letter accompanying the submission the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, said that in many places ‘our Christian sisters and brothers face persecution of an intensity and extent unprecedented in many centuries.’ However, these threats to freedom of religion or belief are not restricted to Christians alone, but are widely experienced by followers of other faiths. ‘We ask the Government to take note of the practical recommendations offered in this submission and to take meaningful action not only in protecting Christians facing persecution but also in promoting freedom of religion and belief more widely,’ they said.

Published in British Isles

The Foreign Office (FO) has been recouping the cost of repatriating young women who were forced into marriages overseas, prompting charities to criticise it for making women ‘pay for their protection’. Many of the 82 victims of forced marriage repatriated in 2016-17 had to pay for living costs incurred between making distress calls and returning home, as well as their airfare; others received loans which they had to repay. They had to give up their passports until they had repaid the debt, with a surcharge added after six months. But many could not find work because potential employers wanted to see their passport, which the FO held. Four young British women imprisoned and tortured at a ‘correctional’ religious school in Somalia ahead of expected forced marriages had to pay £740 to return home; they said the burden of having to repay the loans contributed to their becoming destitute.

Published in British Isles