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Displaying items by tag: Civil Righteousness

Saturday, 01 August 2020 15:23

Pray on MLK 08-08-2020

The call for the Church to unite as One Voice on One Day to pray for One Dream for the glory of One King (Jesus!)

Pray on MLK is a two hour, nationwide prayer and worship event on Saturday, August 8, located along every Martin Luther King Jr. street or memorial in the United States (and around the world).

We believe that the Church has the solution to the racial tension in the U.S. and across the globe. To put feet to our faith, we are forming multi-cultural human prayer chains across the world.

Imagine a day where over a thousand separate groups across the world unite with one voice, one prayer request, before one King. 

We believe the reverberations of this unified moment of supplication and worship will be felt for years to come.  

Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kA0Xyn7yWo

As people of faith take their place on the walls of history, we hear the chains of injustice breaking. It’s time to turn our tears into triumph, our weeping into worship, and leap forward into a new era of righteousness in the united pursuit of God’s dream for all people.

Would you partner with us to help lead one of these gatherings in your city?  For more information and/or to register as a local director, go to www.prayonmlk.org    

Pastor Jonathan Tremaine Thomas, Founder & CEO

Civil Righteousness, Inc.

