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Displaying items by tag: Church Making 'Unholy Racket'

Friday, 09 August 2019 13:09

Church accused of making an 'unholy racket'

Christ Apostolic Church in Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent's monthly late-night worship meetings start at 11pm and finish in the early hours. Their worship on 2 August finished at 4am the next day. Residents, in their pyjamas, went to the church in the middle of the night to object to 'unacceptable' noise levels but their pleas were ignored. One resident said, ‘It woke up half of Hamil Road and could be heard at Stanfield. A lot of people couldn't get back to sleep, especially the elderly. A couple of us went over to ask if they could please lower the music and close the door and the reply was 'no, we have a licence so we will carry on. At 6:25 am the last person left the building. I have no problem with religion but there is a time and place to worship. I'm sure God would not want us to go without sleep.’ Pastor Amos Nuga said he was aware of complaints and would cooperate with the council.

Published in British Isles