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Displaying items by tag: Christians Arrested For Apostasy

Friday, 02 June 2023 13:11

Libya: Christians arrested for apostasy

Libya’s religion is Islam with Sharia law, but the constitution guarantees non-Muslims freedom to practise their religion. Yet, six Libyan Christians, arrested separately, are facing a potential death sentence as apostates for converting from Islam. They are also accused of proselytising others and are charged under Article 207 of the penal code, stipulating the death penalty for promoting views that ‘alter fundamental constitutional principles or structures of the social order’ or overthrow the state. Possessing books, leaflets, drawings, slogans, or anything supporting such a cause is punishable by life imprisonment. Libya’s Internal Security Agency said it issued the arrests to ‘stop an organised gang action aiming to solicit and make people leave Islam’. One of the six Christians is a 22-year-old woman who released a video explaining her conversion to Christianity at the age of 15.

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