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Displaying items by tag: 5G networks

Thursday, 09 July 2020 21:19

Huawei and 5G networks

Boris Johnson is expected to draw up plans to phase out Huawei from Britain’s 5G phone networks now that US sanctions have undermined the Chinese telecoms equipment maker’s ability to supply the UK market with exactly what it promised. Digital secretary Oliver Dowden said that GCHQ can no longer guarantee Huawei’s security. Mr Dowden’s department has yet to deliver its conclusions to Mr Johnson, who has said he does not want the country to be ‘vulnerable to a high-risk state vendor’. Huawei has stated that it remains ‘open to discussions’. China's ambassador to the UK warned that if the UK got rid of Huawei it would send out a wider message about its openness to foreign investment. MPs are currently discussing the implications of a potential ban.

Published in British Isles