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Displaying items by tag: 31 Days

Friday, 04 May 2018 10:40

Ramadan: 31 days - 1.8 billion people

During Ramadan (15 May to 14 June), 1.8 billion Muslims across the nations will be seeking Allah through prayer and fasting. Christian intercessors are being invited to join the ‘Ramadan Challenge’ and strategically pray every day for 31 days for them to have powerful encounters with Jesus as Saviour. Prayercast have provided a video with a featured topic each day to aid intercession and opportunities to sign up to receive daily reminders: see Also a booklet, 30 Days of Prayer, can be downloaded; it has prayers and information to help people understand the Muslim world, the month of Ramadan, and how to pray more effectively. See  Click the ‘More’ button for the stories of five Muslim men from five different countries who all saw Jesus Christ in a dream or a vision and their lives changed for ever.

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