International Prayer Connections
OPERATION BIBLE SMUGGLING: NORTH KOREA Give thanks to Jesus for the growing Christian church in North Korea. Pray: for the Bibles that are smuggled into North Korea to get into the hands, and hearts, of believers and seekers. And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word…
Pyongyang has warned that the 'entire US mainland is within our firing range' North Korean official threatened 'severe punishment' for US if it 'dares to invade' Country claims to be developing rocket capable of reaching the US East coast North Korea has warned that nuclear war 'may break out any…
UNITED NATIONS — North Korea’s deputy U.N. ambassador warned Monday that the situation on the Korean peninsula “has reached the touch-and-go point and a nuclear war may break out any moment.” Kim In Ryong told the U.N. General Assembly’s disarmament committee that North Korea is the only country in the…
A CHINESE academic with close links to officials inside the country's defence establishment has revealed that China is prepared to "go to war" with North Korea. In a shocking bombshell interview, an academic with close ties to the Chinese government has warned war with North Korea was on the table.…
The Welcoming the King of Glory conference in Jerusalem/Israel was a unique historic event. Below is an article published by a Jewish believer from Israel. If you are interested to see some images and videos please visit my FB page at: Welcoming the king of glory - ground-breaking sukkot…
Some IPC folk joined a second gathering at Herrnhut this year, with complementary themes to the May 2017 IPC gathering.  Here is the report… When the Earth Shook.... To the Global Watch family: The Global Watch carries much of the spiritual DNA of Herrnhut Germany.  As such, we are relaying…
Greetings to you from Chiang Mai, Thailand! We trust you are doing well and enjoying the presence of God in life and ministry. The Organizing Committee of the upcoming Abandoned Devotion Conference in Chiang Mai is looking forward to a powerful time together from January 15-19, 2018. More information and…
With only 61 days till 2018 it is time to begin preparing to start the New Year off with a wave of prayer around the nations. We invite our brothers and sisters in Christ, prayer groups, and churches to join us all over the world to pray at sunrise on…
December 5-7, 2017Saddleback ChurchLake Forest, CA Finishing The Task is an association of mission agencies and churches who want to see reproducing churches planted among every people groups in the world.  Does this passion also burn in your heart? Then we invite you to join us this year at the…
May our Abba fulfil you with His everlasting joy, love, grace and revelation. We, the planning team would like to invite you to join us for the UPRISING Bolivia Gathering to be held at Cochabamba, Bolivia, Nov 29 Dec 2, 2017.   In 1972, Bolivia, experienced a visitation from the Lord…
The Ethne Strategic Prayer Group together with the Fellowship of Prayer Strategists are embarking on an ambitious project to collate and revise existing material on prayer training with additional new material to produce simple, replicable prayer training material for 6 of the following profile groups. The aim is to multiple…
From A Journey to Victorious Praying by Bill Thrasher Praying in the Spirit is leaningupon the Spirit not only for Hismotivation and His enablementbut also for His guidance. Wesley Duewel was on a tripfrom India to the United Statesand fighting a fever. He thought,If only I could find one Christianand…