International Prayer Connections
The Foursqure church in Sri Lanka struggled to grow this year unlike in the past years. This was due to open persecution and lack of freedom to express our faith openly. Below are a few statistics of our growth patterns this year: - We had 7,186 people receiving Jesus for…
Please see this video with others in your church or prayer group. Let your heart be broken for the plight of those suffering under the brutal, genocidal regime of Kim Jong Un, one of the most wickeddictators of history in the ranks of Hitler and Stalin along with his father…
Since October 2014, in the Beni territory there has been a recurrence of attacks against the civilian population by rebels who enter the villages with knives and similar weapons to massacre the population, men, women and children. To datemore than 250 have died, creating more than a hundred widows and…
Will you help to shape the Destiny of Australia? WE ARE MEANT TO BE "THE GREAT SOUTHLAND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT" AND IT ALL STARTS WITH PRAYER! Every revival in history has been birthed in prayer. Australia has a rich Christian Heritage. You can also find out more at…
This report offers a brief overview of the EXPOSED - shining a light on corruption - campaign. EXPOSED was a first of its kind - a truly global Christian response to corruption, supported by Christians from 176 countries, with a thousand public gatherings, close to 150,000 individual signatures, a powerful…
'We encourage people to pray for the safety of these families and for these kids' Report: ISIS beheads 4 Christian children
We , Myanmar Intercessors' Network, are organizing a conference called, THE TRUMPET CALL, in 6-8 January 2015. The purpose is vision impartation and motivation for 24/7 Tabernacle of David Prayer Houses which are doing Intercessory Worship day and night and interceding for Myanmar and all over the globe. (Amos 9:11)…
Prayer Surge NOW! will play a key role during National Weekend of Prayer to End Slavery and Trafficking, January 9-11. On Saturday, January 10, 9-11AM Eastern, we will host "Let US be the VOICE of the VOICELESS" National Conference Call Prayer Summit with a company of abolitionists and prayer leaders…
Towns in the provinces have experienced a return of their old demons in the form of armed confrontations. There is no let-up for the civilian population, and people are continuing to cross over the border into the Democratic Republic of Congo to seek refuge there. A few days ago. fighting…
" The people of the land have used oppressions, committed robbery and mistreated the poor and needy and they wrongfully oppress the stranger. So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land that I…
Our prayers are extremely powerful! Astrophysicist Hugh Ross says, "Prayer is the most powerful capacity God has given to us." Let us unite our prayers this month, agreeing in faith for the following "Top Prayer Challenges". Please share these with your prayer groups and fellow intercessors and let's believe God…
January 29, Stratfor "Multiple actors, backed by considerable coalition air power, have effectively halted the massive gains made by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. The group is increasingly being forced onto the strategic defensive, but it is far from defeat and is still able to launch attacks and…