International Prayer Connections
“Please join in praying – 138 least-reached people groups live in Sudan, the largest being the Sudanese Arabs. KHARTOUM, Sudan – Muslim extremists have sent text messages to at least 10 church leaders in Khartoum saying they are planning to target Christian leaders, buildings and institutions, Christian sources in Khartoum…
“They say nothing good happens in Washington today. I beg to differ. Granted, it's easy to become cynical about current events in the nation's capital. The polls tell us that voters are tired of Washington politics amid the constant clamor of problems and solutions. While the pundits claim that "Washington…
“Please pray that the Supreme Court will serve our country without a trace of deceit. Intercede that no private interpretation in any legislation will stand and that our freedoms will remain intact. Pray that God would give the justices on the Supreme Court His wisdom to grasp the ramifications of…
Ask the Lord to protect the U.S. from any revenge attacks that may be planned by Moslems. Ask that the Lord would give intelligence sources sharp knowledge and understanding of harmful actions that could be planned. The Lord is our strength and shield. Look to Him as our strong tower.…
Just the other week, it was revealed that the first Shariah Law court had opened in the Belgium city of Antwerp – a city which has a 10% Muslim population. There are also well over 85 Shariah courts operating in the United Kingdom according to a recent study by an…
Please keep praying for the WPA! Your prayer support will be all-important to the planning of this event which is intended to be a “new paradigm” for an international congress—carried out Acts 13-style—incorporating listening to God, united prayer, and strategic implementation of world-impacting action that proceeds out of that encounter…
Leaders involved in the prayer movement of Thailand gathered October 15-16 to pray for their nation besieged by the worst floods in half a century. Up to 10 million have been affected, many losing all their possessions and hundreds have lost their lives. Please pray for the floods to go…
A beautifully organized conference of up to 9000 Pentecostals from 50 nations met just outside Jakarta, October 25-29. Enthusiastic worship and powerful presentations called participants to a renewed experience and sharing of the Azusa Street revival experience. Other regional gatherings and initiatives are planned through a global council of ministry…
Veronica Wisdom Conteh, a member of the IPC leadership team, reports that God is bringing transformation to her nation, one of the world’s poorest, through a succession of three 90-day prayer and fasting efforts from 2009-2011. President Earnest Bai Koroma has given strong support to this effort. Based on Hosea…
You are invited to join representatives from the 11 nations of SE Asia as they come together for the eighth time to seek the Lord for the transformation of their region. They will meet in Subic Bay, Philippines, one of the cleanest and most beautiful cities of the nation. Because…
According to an October 2 article from the Star newspaper in Malaysia, a global Islamic group that is now active in 45 countries is raising concerns around the world. Hizbut, which is now expanding in Asia, wants to unite all Muslim countries in a global bloc ruled by strict sharia…
Mexican President Felipe Calderon said in his state of the nation address that he will fight to the last day of his term to defeat the drug cartels that have taken over towns, police forces and institutions in parts of Mexico. Calderon also promised to clean up corruption among police…