International Prayer Connections
AFP December 31, 2015, 10:55 pm Freed Afghan village reveals key to Taliban 'success' QARA GHOILY (Afghanistan) (AFP) - Flanked by shaggy-haired gunmen, commander Ghulam Farooq peered out from a hilltop at the biggest military prize of his fabled career as a warlord -- a mud-walled Afghan village captured after…
As a Jewish believer in Messiah Yeshua, who lives in a Druze/Arabic community in Israel, with dear Arabic Christian friends and spiritual family, I yearn to share with you, and with the Church at large, my perspective on Israel and our peoples. FYI, I pray several times a week with…
Islamic Incursion Across the Southwest Border In light of the recent terror massacres in Paris and San Bernardino, CA, public attention has turned to lone-wolves or Islamic sleeper-cell attacks and the possibility that would-be terrorists are among those seeking to come to America as refugees or immigrants. Equally concerning however,…
As we continue to press on by faith and cry out to God for His purposes and will to be done in these days, we want to encourage you to unite your prayers with many thousands of others during the 40-day Seek God for the City season. The prayers in…
15 December 2015 Kachin State and Shan State, Burma Burma Army intensifies attacks against ethnics in spite of elections. During October and November 2015 the Burma Army increased their attacks against the Shan, Ta’ang Kokang and Kachin peoples, displacing 10,000 people in Kachin State and Northern Shan State, Burma. In…
The Rev. John Greenfield, an American Moravian evangelist, published his book "Power On High" in 1927 on the 200th anniversary of the Moravian revival. The information in this article is from that book, now out of print. The Moravians, a refugee colony from Bohemia, settled on the estates of Count…
May we ask for your prayer for the nations of Iraq and Syria that are suffering so much from the predations of ISIS? We have our attention on the recent terrorist incursions into France and the USA, but large parts of Iraq and Syria are the ISIS headquarters where everyday…
We need to continue to engage in specific ways with the threat of global terrorism that has captured international news in Paris, San Bernardino and other places. During a monthly prayer call last month with some knowledgeable friends, the following prayer concerns were raised: Pakistan The military is doing a…
1) UPRISING: World Youth Prayer Assembly, July 26-30, 2016, South Korea. Up to 2500 youth and young adults supported by adults and children (three generations together) will gather near the Demilitarized Zone with thousands more from South Korea to seek the Lord together for this important middle generation, its unique…
Nowadays, there is a lot of talk about entitlements, those perks and privileges, usually of a material kind that are meted out by our governments to those who either have genuine needs or clamor the loudest and most persistently to get them. In the book of Revelation, the one who…
A year ago I wrote, “the world is becoming a more dangerous place in which to live than we have experienced before”. Nothing in the intervening twelve months has changed that - only confirmed it. We've watched as a modern-day exodus has unfolded before our eyes, with hundreds of thousands…
Germans Opposed to Mass Migration are "Free to Leave" by Soeren Kern  •  November 24, 2015 After factoring in family reunifications, the actual number of migrants could exceed 10 million, and some believe that Germany's Muslim population is on track to nearly quadruple to an astonishing 20 million by 2020.…