Children in Prayer eNews
Since January 2011, the children of Myanmar have been praying for the transformation of their nation. Many good changes such as the release of Aung Aan Suu Kyi, the pro-democracy activist and Nobel prize winner, and other political prisoners, reconciliation efforts with ethnic minorities and other signs of political and…
Last month, about 300 from China and Hong Kong participated in a training consultation to raise up children and youth in prayer across their vast land and population (350 million under 18 years of age, what a challenge and opportunity!). It was exciting to see how they caught the vision…
JOIN THOUSANDS OF CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD TO PRAY FOR CHILDREN WHOSE FAMILIES ARE STRUGGLING, BROKEN OR ABSENT. PRAY DURING THE 2013 WORLD WEEKEND OF PRAYER, 1-2 JUNE. Join the WWP Community on FacebookStay up-to-date with the latest news about WWP by following the WWP Facebook page. You'll know when…
Our staff has started 21 days fasting and prayer for our clear commitment to His Call to the Poor and orphans. Our children have started 72 hours of non-stop prayer. It is amazing to see children at the age of 6 and 7 standing and watching the whole night at…
Mal: 4:6 He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the Children to their fathers. It’s time to gather again the child intercessors and spiritual parents from different parts of the world. They will cry out day and night from July 25th to…
In 2009, seven conferences for children in prayer were held in different parts of Egypt. In 2010, the focus to teach the children was how “to love, know, and wait for Him through His Word”. Children showed appetite to read the Bible, and God did speak to them through dreams…
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