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WPC News
Gathering at Birmingham Christian Centre on SATURDAY 25 OCTOBER, God led us sovereignly through this day of prayer. We started the day with an extended period of worship, allowing time for God to speak to us and spending time lifting His Name, worshipping Him in spirit and in truth and…
“IT’S BREAKTHROUGH TIME!” We met at Birmingham Christian Centre on SATURDAY 29 NOVEMBER with a sense of expectation and anticipation. There was an encouraging number of people as we gathered to pray, worship, hear what God is doing in the UK and around other nations and we had the privilege…
“Complexity, fragility and uncertainty are potentially ending an era of economic integration and international partnership that began in 1989. What is clear is that we are confronted by profound political, economic, social and, above all, technological transformations. They are altering long-standing assumptions about our prospects, resulting in an entirely “new…
UK General Election – May 7th 2015 As the political manifestos are launched and the campaigning begins, how might we pray for this most important of elections? We need to rise above party politics and pray as never before for ‘His kingdom to come and His will to be done’…
Praying for France According to Operation World, church attendance is one of the lowest in Europe (6-8%); 80% of French people have never owned or even seen a Bible. There are approximately 50,000 full-time practitioners of occult arts (tarot, fortune telling, psychic healing, etc) who easily outnumber the 35,000 full-time…
We are so grateful to God for raising up watchmen networks of men and women across our nations and for His protection over recent years. The current terrorist threat level for the UK for international terrorism has again been raised to severe. Two main areas of threat come from a…
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