North America

Displaying items by tag: North America

Friday, 09 June 2017 13:01

Encounter with God changed his life

Victor Torres was 12 years old the first time he stabbed a man. Aged 14, he was addicted to heroin. At 18 he was one of New York City's most feared gang leaders and in jail three times. Today he's a leading evangelist who has helped thousands of young people find freedom from drug addiction and gang life. ‘My story is proof that no matter what the circumstances are, no matter how you feel or how negative it looks, redemption is possible,’ Torres told the Gospel Herald. ‘I want people to know that whatever you're facing, whether it's drugs or any other kind of addiction, nothing's too difficult for God.’ Torres' amazing story is the subject of a new film, Victor, based on his autobiography ‘Son of Evil Street’.

Published in Praise Reports

Strengthening our Partnership in Prayer for His Revival and Transformation of North America

For the leaders of prayer networks and ministries in North America

You are invited to the North American Prayer Summit!

One of the great joys experienced since the launch of the International Prayer Council in 2002 has been the development of various regional prayer summits that have united prayer ministry leaders to build friendships and pray together for their regions. In North America, we have already met several times as prayer leaders from each nation have taken turns to host three-day gatherings to learn about the issues of each of the three nations in order to connect our hearts in the unity of the Spirit and pray with a new depth of understanding and empathy. These times in the manifest presence of the Lord have marked both us and our nations through their powerful effects as the God answers such united intercession, doing the things only He can do, bringing revival to His people and transformation in the challenging situations each country faces.

It is time for us to gather again on behalf of our continent. The Canadians, after coming to stand with those from the USA at the National Prayer Assembly in October last year, are now inviting us for a North American Prayer Summit, August 21-24, 2017. It will be held in one of the most gorgeous places in our continent- St. John’s, Newfoundland. Please see the 30-second clip below. We will mix times of praying, listening to God, and prophetic sharing about the issues of Mexico, Canada and the USA with building and strengthening a North American Prayer Partnership. We will also take time to pray at Cape Spear, the easternmost point of our continent, enjoy some whale watching and the famously delicious fish and chips, all the while soaking up the stunning beauty of the surroundings of the historic coastal town of St. John’s. 

You are warmly welcomed to take part and if there are others who are leading prayer ministries or networks in your country or elsewhere in North America you think should be invited, please do send your recommendations to us. This gathering will be by invitation only and it will be for those who seek to be led by the Holy Spirit, are evangelical in conviction, have a heart for the unity of Christ’s Body, and are fervent in prayer for the nations. We also want to give special priority to younger ministry leaders. We have tried to keep the costs as low as possible for everyone. Meals will be on your own in the hotel restaurant for breakfast, and lunch and dinner will be catered. We have booked the Holiday Inn in St. John’s at a very reasonable rate that you will pay directly to the hotel when you check-in (please see that information below). 

The registration fee to cover three lunches and two dinners, three days of bus transport, and other costs of the event will be $150 Canadian ($111 USD at current exchange rates). This is the early-bird registration and after June 10th we will increase the registration to $200.00 ($147 USD) because of the need to confirm local arrangements. There will be a special Newfoundland night that will include a banquet for which there will be a separate charge as well as for those wishing to go whale-watching. Details will follow in a later email. Please do register ASAP to ensure you will be able to reserve a place. To register, please pay this fee through by credit card using our local host Wanda Fost’s email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can add your address, phone and email address on the same PayPal form, which we need to complete your registration. Please book your own hotel reservation with the hotel contact information below, being sure to say that you are part of this consultation to get the discounted rate. 

When you book your flight, please be advised that there is another city in Canada called St. John in New Brunswick. You don't want to book your flight to that place in New Brunswick which is in a different part of the country. Just to clarify again, the NAPS is meeting in St. John's, Newfoundland. The airport code is YYT when you make your flight reservation and here is the airport website Also you may find that depending on where you live, it can be cheaper and provide more options to book a flight to an intermediate city like New York or Toronto and then make a separate flight booking on to St. John's, so you might want to explore that possibility. 

Our organizing team is praying that you will be able to join us at this magnificent venue. It will be a powerful, transformative time together that we believe the Lord will use to advance His Kingdom purposes for our three nations and our continent. We earnestly hope you can be with us in beautiful Newfoundland. For further information, please contact MaDonna Eason This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 709 834 9493 or our local host Wanda Fost This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 709 364 1949, cell 709 691 5124. 

Yours in Christ,

The North American Prayer Partnership organizing team

Canada: Murray Dodds, Wanda Fost, and Dave Carson 

Mexico: Javier Martinez and Yanira Gonzalez

USA: Dave Butts, Maureen Bravo, Dallas Eggemayer and John Robb 

Two brief video clips from Newfoundland: 

Booking your stay at the Holiday Inn in St. John’s:

The cost for a standard room per night is $139 Canadian ($102 USD at current rates). If you want to share a room with someone to save costs (the rooms are equipped with two beds), you can make that arrangement with the one you want to room with and then it will be just half the cost. However, one of you will need to make the booking with the hotel directly and then settle financially between yourselves since the host team will not be handling any hotel bookings or room assignments. 

For an executive room, it will be $159 ($117 USD at current rates) per night. Again, after you book the room, you can make your own arrangement to share the room (they also are equipped with two beds) and save costs if you like.

Book your room under 'North American Prayer Summit' reservation code:  PSN

1 855 914 1413

1 709 722 0506

email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please pray with us for the right network and ministry leaders to be able to come. For the provision of funding for those who still need assistance and for His powerful presence and anointing to be upon all who participate as we seek His face for our three nations and our continent.

The owner of a Christian T-shirt designer and printer business recently won an appeal case after he objected to printing a pro-LGBT message on an order of T-shirts. Blaine Adamson, managing owner of Hands On Originals, said he and his staff never refuse to do business with someone based on their personal beliefs, but he felt compelled in 2012 to decline to print a message for a gay pride event because it went against his convictions. The Gay and Lesbian Services Organisation promoting the event then filed a discrimination lawsuit against Adamson and his company. The legal action that followed went on for five years. During that time Adamson and his staff remained committed to trusting that God would honour their decision to stand by their convictions. Adamson’s lawyer said after the victorious court case that the law can't force people to express a message in conflict with their deepest convictions.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 19 May 2017 12:25

USA: growing sense of crisis

Escalating events: -President Putin claims to have records of the meeting between Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov and President Trump. -Reports that Trump asked former FBI director James Comey to drop an investigation into the former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s links to Russia. -The White House denies there was ever a Trump/Comey meeting. -Israel emerges as supplying sensitive security intelligence to Trump. -Trump shared the material with Russia. -Trump fired Comey, who was leading investigative links between the Trump campaign and Russia. -The New York Times cited a memo Comey wrote about his meeting with Trump in February. Did the US president try to influence an FBI investigation? Now former prosecutor and FBI director Robert Mueller will oversee an independent inquiry into ‘Russia,/Trump true/fake news’. Democrats and Republicans agree that Mueller ‘has a history of standing up to the White House’. Meanwhile, the Washington Post reports Trump growing increasingly angry with staff; some have turned to impeachment gallows humour, some are contacting consultants and circulating their CVs . See:

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 12 May 2017 10:20

Canada: transgender school play

A Catholic school district in Ontario has cancelled a gender identity play, ‘Boys, Girls and Other Mythological Creatures’ aimed at children aged 5 to 10. The play was booked for five elementary schools, but school officials raised concerns and cancelled the showings. The artistic director said the cancellations were based on misinformation, intolerance, transphobia, homophobia and misogyny. The play centres on an eight-year-old boy, Simon, who believes he’s a girl named Simone. Pope Francis expressed outrage, saying, ‘Today children - children! - are taught in school that everyone can choose his or her sex.  And this is terrible!’ See also Prayer Alert British Isles article 7.

Published in Worldwide

An executive order by President Trump last week fell short of what many had hoped for and drew widespread criticism. ‘The executive order on the whole looks to accomplish very little of substance, against the backdrop of a lot of show,’ said a professor of law and religion. Trump supporters argued that it was a first step in a multistep process that will lead to accomplishing all religious freedom objectives. Trump did nothing to address conflicts between gay rights advocates and Christian bakers or photographers who do not want to provide services for same-sex weddings.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 05 May 2017 10:46

USA: youth suicides and Netflix series

‘13 Reasons Why’ is one of the most talked-about shows on Netflix. Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, is urging Christian parents of teens and church youth ministry leaders to engage in online conversations which explore the questions raised by the series, which follows the story of Hannah who takes her own life after a series of traumatic experiences. Moore said that while he wouldn't want his own children watching it, he believes the controversy surrounding the show might bring some grace-filled moments. ‘If the series shows anything, it is that there are multiple reasons behind the darkness leading to suicide. Maybe this controversy will prompt friends, parents and youth ministers to talk about suicide and give signals to those in trouble that they are not alone and won't be judged if they come forward and seek help.’ For the scale of youth suicides in the USA go to:

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 05 May 2017 10:38

USA: pornography in the Church

In the USA, 68% of men in church regularly view porn. New research has now revealed that ‘of young Christian adults 18-24 years old, 76% actively actively seek out pornography’. These latest statistics show that the Church has a dirty secret. Chances are that on any given Sunday morning, either the person sitting to your left or to your right will be struggling with pornography. Never before has such a large portion of the Church lived in contradiction of what we believe. Jesus didn’t mince words when he said, ‘But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.’ At that point in time, adultery was punishable by death! If we don’t confront the issue of pornography, the church is going to continue dying from the inside.

Published in Worldwide

Dr Mark Christian, a former prominent Egyptian Muslim (his great uncle was co-founder of Muslim Brotherhood), is a Christian lecturer who warns people of the impact of Islam on the world today. In a webinar hosted by the American Pastors Network, Christian explained how he began questioning Islam as a 23-year-old imam and later left the religion. He argues that organisations such as the Muslim Students' Association, the North American Islamic Trust, and the Islamic Society of North America are funded heavily by Muslim Brotherhood members in Egypt, Pakistan and other countries, who are attempting to persuade the American public to accept the Islamic agenda and even try to lure Christians into denying Jesus Christ.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 13 April 2017 16:14

Easter in Greenland

There are 3,300 Americans, 7,600 Danes and 44,000 Eskimos in Greenland. Although they profess to be a Christian country, the most important Greenland holiday is National Day followed by Arctic Palerfik (an April dogsled event) and the Polar Circle Marathon. At Easter homes and shops are decorated in green and yellow with branches and daffodils. The Easter symbol is the egg, and a tradition is sending teaser letters. In the weeks before Easter people cut out elaborate letters, on which they write a so-called teaser verse. The anonymous letter is signed with a number of dots corresponding to the number of letters in the sender’s name. The recipient must guess who sent it. The pledge is a chocolate Easter egg redeemed at Easter. The letter is accompanied by a snowdrop, the first flower of the year.

Published in Worldwide