North America

Displaying items by tag: North America

Thursday, 25 July 2019 22:50

USA: three million may lose food stamps

Donald Trump’s administration has proposed a rule to tighten food stamp restrictions that would cut about 3.1 million people from the programme. Currently 43 US states allow residents automatically to become eligible for food stamps through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) if they receive benefits from another programme, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - TANF. The proposal, which would save the government $2.5bn a year, requires people receiving TANF to pass an income and assets review to determine eligibility for SNAP. Trump said many Americans now using SNAP do not need it, given the strong economy and low unemployment, and should be removed to save taxpayers $15bn. At present SNAP provides free food to 40 million, 12% of the total population. Last year a Trump-backed effort to pass restrictions through a farm bill was blocked by Congress, following a month-long, partisan debate.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 27 June 2019 22:09

USA: child brides

In the US you can marry at 12 but can't drink beer until 21. Keri met Paul, 24, at a party on her 15th birthday. They slept together just once - and Keri became pregnant. Paul asked her to marry him so that he didn’t go to jail for statutory rape. Her father's consent was needed; he gave it. Keri couldn’t finish school, and later described her marriage as horrible, with Paul treating her ‘like a maid’. Making even small legal changes on this issue is a slow, hard-won process. On 29 January, the senate in South Carolina passed a bill to end child marriage. 17 American states still have no legal minimum age for marriage if a child is pregnant and has consent from a judge or family member. So 12-year-olds continue to be legally wed to men much older than they are - if they’re pregnant.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 13 June 2019 20:59

USA: Mexico border and IS plot

Despite President Trump’s stepped-up law enforcement at the Mexican border, arrests have nearly doubled since last year. ‘We are in a full-blown emergency, and I cannot say this more strongly - the system is broken’, said a border protection spokesperson. In May agents apprehended 144,000+ migrants. Now Homeland Security has uncovered an IS plot to send fighters from Syria to the USA by way of migrant routes across the porous border. Mexico is taking ‘decisive action to dismantle human smuggling and trafficking organisations as well as their illicit financial and transportation networks’, by deploying thousands of national guards to control migrant flow. On 8 June, the State Department promised to expand a programme that returns asylum-seekers to Mexico while their claims are adjudicated. Mexico will offer them jobs, healthcare and education. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 07 June 2019 05:13

USA: Worker kills 12 colleagues

A mass shooting is when two or more people are shot in one incident at one location at roughly the same time. Since 1 January 2019 Wikipedia reports 150 mass shootings, causing 161 deaths and 585+ people wounded in the US. The most recent saw 12 people killed and several injured at a government building in Virginia Beach Municipal Centre. This tragedy happened just before the National Gun Violence Awareness Day on 2 June. Many want to see an end to the easy access to guns which frequently brings schools and cities across America to prominence for all the wrong reasons. Pray into America’s gun law situation.

Published in Worldwide

According to a clause introduced by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, pro-life Christians are barred from federal funding unless they support a woman’s right to an abortion.

“I have met Justin Trudeau three times,” said Pastor Steve Long, a Canadian Baptist minister. “Sadly my last meeting with him in his office was very disappointing. He told me that evangelical Christians were the worst part of Canadian society.”

Trudeau’s enmity toward Christians is not solely against evangelicals. Canada under Trudeau has also become a very unwelcome place for Christians who flee from persecution in the Middle East.

Over 30,000 Syrian refugees were brought to Canada in an expedited manner and found themselves immediately taken care of by the Trudeau government. In the meantime, mass murder to the point of genocide of Christians has occurred within a number of Islamic nations. Trudeau has not breathed a word about the situation. Government assistance for the victims has been casual and minimal.

When questioned on his religious affiliations, Mr. Trudeau claims to be a Catholic. Yet inexplicably, his behaviour displays not an ounce of Christian identity or adherence to Christian values. It’s all so strange. In fact, his behaviour toward Christianity is downright punitive. Pushing mass abortion and euthanasia. Cancelling funding for church groups. Ignoring Christian persecution within foreign nations. Running down evangelicals.

If this is the behaviour of a believing Christian, than perhaps Osama Bin Laden deserved to be appointed Pope. Is Trudeau a practising Christian. or has another religious way of life captured his imagination? Either way, the man is as mystery of a prime minister – made all the more mysterious by establishment media obfuscation of his character and personal believe system.

Perhaps the truth will be revealed once Justin is removed from office, which according to current polls, is likely to be the case come the October, 2019 election. Thank God for this.


Pray: for true biblical values to be restored and upheld in Canada

Pray: that Canada will once again be a safe and welcoming place for those fleeing persecution and seeking sanctuary


Friday, 31 May 2019 07:11

USA: Days of destruction

A cell phone tornado alert prompted Rich to take his 83-year-old mother toward the basement. They went down four steps when they heard a loud boom. His home was destroyed. Walls bent, doors tilted, roof gone. Another house crippled in a stretch of severe weather that has devastated communities from the Rocky Mountains to the Mid-Atlantic in recent weeks. Multiple tornadoes are destroying homes, downing power lines, uprooting trees; torrential rain is overflowing storm sewers and flooding rivers. Hundreds are injured and the death toll is rising. In the Columbia area alone last week, tornadoes caused over seven deaths and scores of injuries. National Federal weather forecasters logged 500+ tornadoes in 30 days. On the East Coast, tornado and severe thunderstorm warnings were issued in northern New Jersey and New York. Forecasters said the briefest of reprieves might not come until 1 June, saying, ‘We are in uncharted territory.’ See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 23 May 2019 21:30

Bahrain: Trump’s summit (25-26 June)

Donald Trump’s ‘Peace to Prosperity’ summit in Bahrain will mark the first phase of the roll-out of US plans for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But a Palestinian Authority spokesman has said that they will not be sending a representative. Some reports indicate that private Palestinian representatives will attend. Bahrain and the United States are hosting the economic leadership ‘workshop’ to share ideas, discuss strategies, and galvanise support for potential economic investments and initiatives that could be made possible by the upcoming US peace agreement. Although the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are sending delegations to participate, the spokesman said that any Palestinian who takes part will be nothing but a collaborator for the Americans and Israel.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 May 2019 22:40


The Alabama senate has passed a law that says abortions should not be allowed in any circumstances apart from ‘risk to the mother's life’. A British Christian researcher, Katie Brookfield, disagreed with Alabama’s ruling. ‘The reality is that making abortion illegal does not end abortion, it drives it underground where it's extremely dangerous.’ Meanwhile, a pro-life campaigner said, ‘The Alabama ruling is a fantastic step in the right direction. But you can't celebrate it without taking a long hard look at our own situation. The UK government is pushing to decriminalise abortion totally up to 24 weeks, not recognising there are two people in the case of abortion. This is happening because the UK church, like the priest and the Levi, is choosing to look the other way, walk on the other side of the road and not see the truth. These little human beings are being disposed of and denied burial through every single abortion procedure.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 May 2019 22:03

Iran / USA: sanctions and sabotage

On 10 May US merchant vessels were warned of potential threats to commercial shipping and oil production infrastructure in the seas near Iran. On 13 May two Saudi oil tankers were attacked as they prepared to cross into the Persian Gulf. ‘Significant damage to the two vessels’ halted further movement. Meanwhile seven (Iran-backed) Houthi drones targeted two (US-backed) Saudi pumping stations along a pipeline carrying 5m barrels of crude oil a day; in response, the USA has deployed aircraft strike groups and B-52 bombers to the region. On 15 May Iranian newspapers reported that Tehran will resume higher nuclear enrichment (beyond the permitted 3.67%) in sixty days if no new agreement is reached about sanctions being lifted. The US embassy in Baghdad has ordered all non-essential and non-emergency staff to leave Iraq immediately, as tensions grow between Washington and Iran. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 May 2019 21:58

USA: national emergency over IT threats

President Trump has declared a national emergency to protect US computer networks from ‘foreign adversaries’. He has barred US companies from using foreign telecoms believed to pose national security risks. The order does not name any company, but is believed to target Huawei, who said that restricting its business in the US would only hurt American consumers and companies. The move is likely to worsen tensions between the US and China, which escalated this week with tariff hikes in a trade war. Huawei may not need the US market, but it certainly needs the key components that it gets from the US. On 14 May, Huawei’s chairman said that Huawei was ‘willing to sign no-spy agreements with governments’, as concerns over the security of its products used in mobile networks continues to grow. See also article 6 in the UK section.

Published in Worldwide